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An idea for kiwiships - Printable Version

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An idea for kiwiships - andy66252 - 08-06-2011

Now i know you're all thinking "he's gonna flame about something" well i'm not. the idea i have is for yotta since he designs all the awesome plugins for the server. i don't know how hard it would be to do but would it be possible to make a plugin that makes tnt shot out of a dispenser live? that would be amazing for battle in the air instead of shooting arrows at each other. of course this is just an idea but i'd like to see if it interests anyone.

RE: An idea for kiwiships - Kyga - 08-06-2011

Well its a good idea and everything, Though, I think its a little unforgiving because you'd have to rebuild your whole ship everytime you get in a fight, one TNT blast could destroy about half the ship.

RE: An idea for kiwiships - pavja2 - 08-06-2011

I think TNT cannons should be allowed.

RE: An idea for kiwiships - squiggley1 - 08-06-2011

I like it Laugh adds a little challenge

RE: An idea for kiwiships - Sir Prize - 08-06-2011

TNT Cannons on Kiwiships sounds awesome.
However... It would be incredibly easy to grief with them, so I don't think this is going to be happening. :/

RE: An idea for kiwiships - pavja2 - 08-06-2011

Can TNT dropped on a town destroy buildings or only people? If only people that isn't griefing right?

RE: An idea for kiwiships - yottabyte - 08-06-2011

Dropping tnt on a town will hurt entities around it but not blocks. Yes, that's allowed.

Also, I prefer to use TNT cannons rather than some plugin for it Tongue

RE: An idea for kiwiships - doggypwn - 08-06-2011

tnt cannons on kiwiships+battle=lots of grounded ships due to people blasting the wool off.

RE: An idea for kiwiships - Cerce - 08-06-2011

I think it'd be cool, reguardless of the fact that my ship will probobly be the first destroyed.

What is the wool to other building material ratio supposed to be again? Or was it not set, and it just has to look flyable?

RE: An idea for kiwiships - MainDigger - 08-06-2011

(08-06-2011, 05:52)Cerce Wrote: I think it'd be cool, reguardless of the fact that my ship will probobly be the first destroyed.

What is the wool to other building material ratio supposed to be again? Or was it not set, and it just has to look flyable?

I remember reading somewhere that there needs to be 60 percent wool, or vice verca.
I am not too sure though.