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Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - Printable Version

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Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - yottabyte - 03-25-2012

We're playing this in 20 minutes from when this post is made. Everyone start at different locations in a 1000x1000 map. You die, you're permabanned from the server. Food does not heal you, but starving will kill you. Winner is the last surviving player.

You are not allowed to play in teams bigger than 2 players.

NO strip mining for gold/diamonds. Cave mining only! You may dig down to find caves, but that's it.

Get the client, install it. I will post the IP when we're starting.

Please post here if you wish to join

Players so far:

Team -

Team -

Team -

Team -

Team -

Team -

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - DjFuzz - 03-25-2012

Me and yotta are a team!

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - Crazylol5 - 03-25-2012

Me and Droid are a team too.

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - Cell - 03-25-2012

im in.

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - lordgodfrey - 03-25-2012

im in

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - geckosquid - 03-25-2012

I'm in.

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - DjFuzz - 03-25-2012

Say whose team your on if you want to be with a set player!

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - lordgodfrey - 03-25-2012

anybody team?

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - Cell - 03-25-2012

Me and Gecko.

RE: Ultra Hardcore event starting soon - partyars - 03-25-2012

put me on a team with ponies yes