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RE: Locks and lockpicks - geckosquid - 12-04-2011

Crash, the diamond part would be fixed if failing made it break.

RE: Locks and lockpicks - DjFuzz - 12-04-2011

Well the percentages could be changed but diffrent hoes as picklocks would be a really nice addition.

Maybe something like this,

Iron hoe: 14%
golden hoe: 38%
Diamond Hoe: 62%

We all love odd numbers dont we :3

RE: Locks and lockpicks - yottabyte - 12-04-2011

I gave that pick an algorithm. Picks love algorithms. Fuck Yea

RE: Locks and lockpicks - geckosquid - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 20:25)yottabyte Wrote: I gave that pick an algorithm. Picks love algorithms. Fuck Yea

RE: Locks and lockpicks - Sir Prize - 12-04-2011

I read that as Logarithms.
My reaction was something like this: What, why would you do that? This makes no sense. Smiley

RE: Locks and lockpicks - Crashlander04 - 12-04-2011

Once again, iron isn't rare in the slightest - a person could walk around with an inventory of iron hoes easily - I'm all for the gold and diamond ones at their current percentages (breaking upon use, failure or not) but iron picks would need to be like 10% or less.

RE: Locks and lockpicks - Naamandre3 - 12-04-2011

(12-04-2011, 20:45)Crashlander04 Wrote: Once again, iron isn't rare in the slightest - a person could walk around with an inventory of iron hoes easily - I'm all for the gold and diamond ones at their current percentages (breaking upon use, failure or not) but iron picks would need to be like 10% or less.

Disagree with 10%
I think 20% is fine if not low at all. Seeing it takes 40 seconds. And you're stupid if you walk around with an inventory full of hoes if you feel like robbing a chest full of goodies..

RE: Locks and lockpicks - Cell - 12-04-2011

Naam makes a point. Hiding your chest, and having a fake chest room would be the best way to go like Yotta said.
Although, Iron is common like you said. And when it gets to a point on the map where others have diamond galore, like Android has now, Iron is just another, and fairly cheap at that.

RE: Locks and lockpicks - Android - 12-04-2011

You're right, iron is too common.

RE: Locks and lockpicks - DjFuzz - 12-04-2011

Well that is true so ermm 8% For iron?