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Keep old map, continue on new? - Printable Version

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Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - V1films - 01-09-2011

New map would be great. However I will miss my old work :X

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - SuperWheatie - 01-09-2011

Let's go with a new map... the map was going to be changed anyways sooner or later. ^_^

-SuperWheatie Laugh

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - nsanexer0 - 01-09-2011

New map is needed.

We are hard at work like little elfs on the 2.0.

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - Bartinator - 01-09-2011

New map.

But there seriously need some RP rules. Some people are crying if someone stole something out of their chest: That's called stealing and I think RPly it's allowed. If you don't want that your stuff get stealed, just lock it?!
Also the griefing rules are a bit confusing. There should be rules which make clear: What is RP and what isn't.

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - stubbkrossen - 01-09-2011

I say new map, a fresh start to get the settlements and towns more spread out as they don't have to be next door neighbours. Even if it takes a time to walk it should not restrict us as towns should be far away from each other.

Thus making an invasion/attack/sneakup more tactical and more planned. well, you can just say "let's go!" But you would still want to make sure everyone to gather up so that you can leave all in one team instead of scattered out army personnel.

But settlements and towns should really be more thought out.

PS. YEE-HAAAW for my cowboy ranch!

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - yottabyte - 01-09-2011

Seems like the people has spoken. New map it is.

Server was down, yes. Zilky againĀ  :-X

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - douwehh - 01-09-2011

I don't say new map. Let's do that when it's running ok again. Then make a new map. And i am for a guide and some clear rules. Like no city's near the spawn, so every city has the same chance of getting citizens. Also would i recommend city's to only let soldiers be at outside at night. That keeps the inn branch running Laugh Also would i make a guild for making a nation. At the moment it isn't really clear.

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - Android - 01-09-2011

Too late to say anything but I guess a new map is good. It will keep us from being too connected with the old map. I just think we should have kept that old map as a vanilla server for anytime something is being updated.

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - douwehh - 01-09-2011

Can't we keep the map what's on right now? Because that map is really nice!

Re: Keep old map, continue on new? - Android - 01-09-2011

I don't care for this map. Don't know why Tongue