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Weekend RFW - Printable Version

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RE: Weekend RFW - guthriearmstrong - 12-10-2011

I'm probably not in. Got a wrestling tournament from 7AM to like 10PM again Saturday, then I've got meeting till 1PM and I'm buying a wifi card for the New_Vacuum after that.

RE: Weekend RFW - doggypwn - 12-10-2011

I succumbed to peer pressure and got teamspeak for the RFW that was hosted earlier today. No mic, nor is there a working one in my house that I know of, but it's a form of communication. It worked fairly well.

RE: Weekend RFW - MainDigger - 12-10-2011

I would like to attend. Smiley

RE: Weekend RFW - lordgodfrey - 12-10-2011

Im in.

RE: Weekend RFW - Unreal22 - 12-10-2011

I can play, but only at 8-11pm or 2-3pm

Stupid math OriginalRage

RE: Weekend RFW - Crazylol5 - 12-10-2011

Race for wool? AwwYeah

Count me in if the race is today.
I can't race if it's on sunday.

RE: Weekend RFW - yottabyte - 12-10-2011

I'm scheduling it to 8 PM today, Saturday.

Time conversions are in the OP.

RE: Weekend RFW - Spammuff - 12-10-2011

Yeah, i'll easily be there then.

Just to beat you Yotta. Just you!

RE: Weekend RFW - lordgodfrey - 12-10-2011

i wanna join. sign me on!

RE: Weekend RFW - Cell - 12-10-2011

Something has come up, and I can't show up. Godfrey can fill in my spot Laugh