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RE: Not an appeal - sethd13 - 04-10-2012

yea my brother and I have just dug in random directions before its not a clear sign of xray
but an indicater none the less
I would leave also if this happened and wish to extend my thanks to pavja for 1 making so much lore and mystery in kiwike and 2 standing up for him/her self

RE: Not an appeal - leowester - 04-10-2012

Why would he go for the chest...
O wait i forget u can get a bucket from it Shocked
Why would he go for the chest...
O wait i forget u can get a bucket from it Shocked

RE: Not an appeal - sethd13 - 04-10-2012


RE: Not an appeal - leowester - 04-10-2012

Point being there nothing really good in the chests.

Point being there nothing really good in the chests.

RE: Not an appeal - theonedoctor - 04-10-2012

Well Pavja2 im sorry to hear you are leaving and i will really miss you, and guys those chest are everywhere and yes yes dont get mad at me when i say it couldve been just dumb luck

RE: Not an appeal - Crashlander04 - 04-10-2012

simply said, I will miss you pavja.

RE: Not an appeal - Android - 04-10-2012

(04-10-2012, 23:20)leowester Wrote: Point being there nothing really good in the chests.

Point being there nothing really good in the chests.

You're right, and why he would risk being accused of xray by digging directly down towards those chests I don't know.

Also, I don't believe a player in this case could leave any clues for ye olde Pavja to be able to find those chests below him.

Anyways, you write convincingly pavja, but your actions say otherwise.


RE: Not an appeal - thornax - 04-10-2012

You will be missed friend. When Kiwike loses a member I always feel that A little bit of it is lost.

RE: Not an appeal - leowester - 04-10-2012

Pavja please come back...
I will die without you Sad

RE: Not an appeal - yottabyte - 04-11-2012

An xray mod only shows chests, not the surroundings where they are. He might very well had been searching for bases and saw a chest underground.