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RE: Goodbye Kiwike - Spammuff - 05-30-2011

Yeah, Unlike them two, i only got to hear your sexy voice once!

Imma Miss you!

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - granite123 - 05-30-2011

Sad Hope to see you soon

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - Crazylol5 - 05-30-2011

WaitAMinute Horror Why! Sad

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - Unreal22 - 05-30-2011

(05-30-2011, 20:09)Leadmau5 Wrote: Laugh    

Not cool man... Not cool at all....

Bye Cell , hope to see you soon!

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - StayPuff - 05-31-2011

(05-30-2011, 20:45)Unreal22 Wrote:
(05-30-2011, 20:09)Leadmau5 Wrote: Laugh    

Not cool man... Not cool at all....

Bye Cell , hope to see you soon!
Did he delete that post? Cause that isn't cool and is very disrespectful..

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - Leadmau5 - 05-31-2011

I didn't delete it, someone did though. I don't like Cell because he got his town to spawnkill me multiple times, steal 23 diamonds from me and nearly 2 stacks of iron and Stug griefed my old home all because I killed Spammuff for trying to kill me.

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - granite123 - 05-31-2011

shut up leadmau5, you shouldnt have fought back in the first place and you would have easily gotten your stuff back

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - asdfasdflkjty911 - 05-31-2011

The dark and the light sides of Nosoka... I didnt know about you guys spawn killing him xD Spawn killing is what started that war with cornerstone, helvanthar, and tullius.

Bai Cell! Better get your rights back soon or I'll eat your children..

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - StayPuff - 05-31-2011

(05-31-2011, 14:41)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: The dark and the light sides of Nosoka... I didnt know about you guys spawn killing him xD Spawn killing is what started that war with cornerstone, helvanthar, and tullius.

Bai Cell! Better get your rights back soon or I'll eat your children..

Yes we did spawn kill him, only a little bit though. But I don't recall taking any diamonds from him. So unless I didn't see something that didn't happen. But he had messed with our town member and we told him to stop, he didn't, and he suffered the consequences.

To Leadmau5:
I didn't grief your house. I wasn't able to brake anything anyways because of the protection of the house, so if you are trying to get me in trouble you aren't doing so well. Please don't make up stories just to defend yourself.

Nuff' said.

RE: Goodbye Kiwike - The Black Sun - 05-31-2011

While Cell and Nosaka were never friends of the guild they were worthy opponents under his leadership, the town of old Nosaka before it became midgar was the epitome of everything I hate about towny. Still, I never once had a resident of Nosaka apply to join the guild so he was clearly doing something right. I only hope granite won't be as successful.