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RE: Kiwiki - Cell - 06-26-2011

Awesome Laugh. Alright, Crazy set up the front page?
And ill do the info / typing?

Love you Yotta.

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Working on a logo right now.

RE: Kiwiki - Cell - 06-26-2011

Awesome, Awesome.
I'm pretty sure Crazy is setting up all the pages for me to type in, if not, someone else is Poker face

Edit. He is, just saw the recent history.

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Put asterisk (*) instead of lines to get a neat list.

RE: Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

Yeah...Yotta, could you make me a wikiadmin so I can lock the front page so only wikiadmins can edit it? Smiley

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Sure. If I figure out how to work this thing. :p

RE: Kiwiki - Cell - 06-26-2011

Same here yotta Smiley?

Oh, and Crazy. Anyway to transfer over the pick of Maven?

RE: Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

That's....errr well that's locking it now I can't edit it at all xD

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Cell and Crazylol5 are now wiki admins. Do your work well. :3

RE: Kiwiki - Cell - 06-26-2011

Mkai Smiley.

Just need all the pages up from Crazy.
Then a few hours of typing.
Then wait for all the Town and Nation info to come in before I can finish it off.

All good Laugh.