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Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Printable Version

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RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Pwol - 05-01-2012

(05-01-2012, 23:13)geckosquid Wrote: Squig, I don't think you realize the extent to which the Southern Coalition has raided. It's constant.

Goodness, people on the server have made these raids look like we roll into town, raid and pillage, leave for 15 minutes, and come back. This is not the case at all. We raid very few times a day, and allow for a sizable chunk of time in between. If Bowser doesn't like being raided a few times a day then he should strive to make peace, or fight back. This however is not the case at all, we have made attempts to make peace, all of which fell short of satisfactory. Our characters are bandits in search of riches, do you want our bandit characters snuggling with bunnies in the corner instead?...... Smiley

Anyway about Oranges ban.... 1 week for killing a person that attacked him, seems a little harsh Mellow

Let me read the kiwike banlist and compare and contrast a bit shall we?

Name: FoolYou Ban: Greifing Length: 3 days
Name: Or11 Ban: Minor Greifing Length: 1 day
Name: Thornax Ban: Greifing Length: 1 day
Name: MicroMuffin Ban: Greifing Length: 1 day
Name: NoahNoah Ban: Greifing Length: 1 week

Name: Giratina156 Ban: Killing someone who attacked him without permission Length: 1 week

This ban should be removed, and at the very least be shorted....

Thats all I have

Thank you

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - oranges44 - 05-01-2012

I'm glad for that to happen , It would of been even better if that was the initial proposal that the moderating team made , but sure. I'm just glad we can resume this long lasting "Flame war". However I'm still banned :Okay:
(05-01-2012, 23:52)oranges44 Wrote: I'm glad for that to happen , It would of been even better if that was the initial proposal that the moderating team made , but sure. I'm just glad we can end this long lasting "Flame war". However I'm still banned :Okay:

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Crashlander04 - 05-02-2012

now we wait..

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - oranges44 - 05-02-2012

Indeed we do ChallengeAccepted

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Leech - 05-02-2012

(05-01-2012, 23:13)oranges44 Wrote: Exactly. If we're the only ones with it It's stupid I mean *Sudden raid from enemys * * Can we raid the people who just attacked us Suspicious

Not to mention most of the people we are against have a large amount of the active mods on their side xD So it's confusing.

I've said this multiple times. I wouldn't care about restrictions. Also, the timing of your raids seems fishy. You were sitting in my town waiting as I arrived at my normal time yesterday, and you were back the same time today. Sounds OOC to me

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Third Eye - 05-02-2012

Agreed, do you have a schedule for raiding? If so what is it based around?

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Crashlander04 - 05-02-2012

(05-02-2012, 01:05)Leech Wrote:
(05-01-2012, 23:13)oranges44 Wrote: Exactly. If we're the only ones with it It's stupid I mean *Sudden raid from enemys * * Can we raid the people who just attacked us Suspicious

Not to mention most of the people we are against have a large amount of the active mods on their side xD So it's confusing.

I've said this multiple times. I wouldn't care about restrictions. Also, the timing of your raids seems fishy. You were sitting in my town waiting as I arrived at my normal time yesterday, and you were back the same time today. Sounds OOC to me

Idk, I think that seems more like a coincidence XD Ill-fated, but doubtfully anything that should seem suspicious.

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Leech - 05-02-2012

The fact that you were waiting was suspicious

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Crashlander04 - 05-02-2012

(05-02-2012, 01:17)Leech Wrote: The fact that you were waiting was suspicious

The fact that you said suspicious is suspicious.

RE: Oranges44's Ban Appeal (2) - Leech - 05-02-2012

Crash, weren't you bringing up staying on topic earlier?