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Got a New Sig - Printable Version

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RE: Got a New Sig - asdfasdflkjty911 - 07-09-2012

Hey, the original one didnt have his name there at all, he added it later. Atleast I think, I saw it in the car on my brothers laptop.

Regardless, its still a joke. Nobody here knows what that is though.

RE: Got a New Sig - yottabyte - 07-09-2012

I found the picture pretty funny Okay

I think the lot of you are overreacting because you dislike asdf.

RE: Got a New Sig - asdfasdflkjty911 - 07-09-2012

Thank you Yotta. Crash asked if I wanted a ms paint sig and I said sure, make it something that describes me. Said some more things and somehow it got to the conclusion that itd be me killing people with bowser in the background, you know, cuz we kill them a lot.

But I'm going to keep the new modified one. It isnt being mean torwards anybody. And if a mod has a problem with it, please let me know before nearly banning me from the forums for the god awful amounts of time those bans are set to.
Oop just kidding. Apparently my signiture has been blocked. So I cant even keep a clean one.

Thanks for the overreaction yet again my fellow, friendly community of this wonderfully amazing server!

RE: Got a New Sig - Cell - 07-09-2012

You are welcome.

RE: Got a New Sig - Smythie - 07-09-2012

Glad to be of service Laugh

RE: Got a New Sig - asdfasdflkjty911 - 07-09-2012

But I get to keep the avatar! Laugh

RE: Got a New Sig - geckosquid - 07-09-2012

Huzzah! I rather like it, personally.

RE: Got a New Sig - iDieForEXP - 07-09-2012

Yup the avatar is awesome Laugh

RE: Got a New Sig - Riskae - 07-09-2012

I don't think we're overreacting at all, in fact I think we've been rather nice about the whole thing, too much so in my opinion. Point of the server is to be friends and have fun which is hard to do if we sit there and draw obese pictures of us butchering one another with real names on them.

RE: Got a New Sig - Crashlander04 - 07-09-2012

It's a minecraft server forum signature made with ms paint.

You all flame Asdf constantly, and yet somehow a harmless signature is 'so horribly offensive' that you have to forcibly remove it and remove his signature permissions on top of that.

Check your hypocrisies and priorities, and then pull the cacti out of your asses before you bitch about stuff like this.

Give me a warning for this whole thing, actually, give me one for this post too (God knows you'll find it offensive). Revoke Asdf's punishments - I made the fucking thing and told him to put it up.

Hell, even ban me for it if that'll make you all happy.