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RE: 100 posts - tristo999 - 11-03-2011

=) Troll

RE: 100 posts - Crazylol5 - 11-03-2011

MW3 looks like that one shooter from activision I bought 2 years ago. Oh wait, it is the same shooter I bought 2 years ago with a reskin.

RE: 100 posts - geckosquid - 11-03-2011

Yeah, I'll be playing nothing but Skyrim and Minecraft come 11-11-11, so count me out for MW3. Not that 1 in 20 million makes much of a difference.

RE: 100 posts - tristo999 - 11-03-2011

I will be playing some Minecraft. MW3... A bit of BF3... I would like to get skyrim but its a bit out of budget with all the big games coming out. I gotta decide against skyrim and BF3 but i think BF3 is winning.

RE: 100 posts - Android - 11-03-2011

I can afford all of these new games. AWW YEAH.

RE: 100 posts - partyars - 11-03-2011

it's great that skyrim and minecraft come out on the same day, lots of time to play skyrim until bukkit updates

RE: 100 posts - guthriearmstrong - 11-03-2011

Come on, 100 Derrrp

RE: 100 posts - Android - 11-04-2011

No, 68.

RE: 100 posts - Crazylol5 - 11-04-2011

69? HihiiihahahahHzhhohohohohohohohohohohohihhhihohohohohohohohh

RE: 100 posts - andy66252 - 11-04-2011

lol crazy