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whitelist apply. - Printable Version

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whitelist apply. - bonden - 06-24-2011

my name is Bonden thats what my friends call me and i would like to play on this server its the best server,
i live in stocholm, sweden im 18 soon to be 19 in november
my ign = (ingame name) is pontarex {MCT8}
my earlie experience: ive been admin on my own server when i played privet minecraft, and ive played on the server craftaddict, a great server i was becoming builder, but they didnt have afford the server sadly, so my friends lolboll and hoiafar told be about this one and now im here to see if i can join.
and ive now voted for kiwike.
and i took a pic of something ive done Laugh too Laugh

RE: whitelist apply. - StayPuff - 06-24-2011

Just so you know, they don't usually take applications on the forums here. If you go to the website, that is where you would post an app. But I'm pretty sure that MCForums is down right now do to the recent hack.. so I'm not sure if you have to wait, or if they will just review your application here.

Even so, good luck and welcome to Kiwike!

RE: whitelist apply. - RobertF - 06-24-2011

Welcome to Kiwike! Even though we will be enemies once you join with Helvanthar, have fun!

RE: whitelist apply. - bonden - 06-24-2011

yeah i know ive posted there but becuse of the forum is down no one can se it Sad

RE: whitelist apply. - yottabyte - 06-24-2011

Added you, welcome!

RE: whitelist apply. - fashionmonkey - 06-24-2011

Welcome Smiley

RE: whitelist apply. - DjFuzz - 06-24-2011

Welcome have fun

RE: whitelist apply. - bonden - 06-24-2011

thx rly thx Laugh