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Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

So I was bored just surfing sites and stuff, and I saw right? Well I obviously got the idea of a Kiwiki! You know, like a nice guide for new players and such, and information on cities/factions etc. I would love to have this to find quick information about cities and stuff! Well, I hope you guys like this idea because I would love this Smiley

(Also, if this is made I would love to be like a wiki head contributor or something like that so I can start putting everything in already Smiley)

Anyway hope you like it and i hope it gets created! Laugh

EDIT: I tried typing in Kiwiki at the create a new wiki page...It's a word that violates their terms, fantastic.

RE: Kiwiki - Cell - 06-26-2011

Crazy, if you dont mind I can make it, or work on it, with your permission. I H=have nothing else to do, just need to know what you want on it, and so on.
Plus, i already made a Kiwike guide, this could be helpful to the "Contribution" Laugh.
Oh, and Yottas permission Laugh.

RE: Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

I secretly already made it...but feel free to add at Shocked

RE: Kiwiki - Cell - 06-26-2011

If you wan't me to, i have all day free today, Pm me a list of things you wan't on there and ill get to it Laugh?

RE: Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

Kai Laugh

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Guys, before you start a wiki on one of them crappy ad-filled sites I can offer to set up an official wiki ( on this site for you.

RE: Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

Well that's...quite on time.
But yeah of course fantastic! Tongue

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Haha, sorry. I was playing outside all day! I'm pretty sure they use the same syntax so it's pretty easy to copy over though

RE: Kiwiki - Crazylol5 - 06-26-2011

Oh okay Smiley

RE: Kiwiki - yottabyte - 06-26-2011

Hm, I think I balls'd it up. I managed to crash everything for a while when installing the wiki. I don't want to touch that anymore in a long time.

Use wikia, it isn't too bad after all. Okay