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Minestatus Idea - Printable Version

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Minestatus Idea - pavja2 - 07-15-2011

No idea if this is feasible but what if there was a way to set up votifier so that if someone wanted to log into the server they would have had to have voted for kiwike within the past 48 hours in order to do so? Perhaps is you were a donor you could be exempt from the voting requirement?

Just an idea but it would be nice to see the server in the top 10.

RE: Minestatus Idea - Smythie - 07-15-2011

Why wouldn't people vote? They already get 2 gold.

RE: Minestatus Idea - pavja2 - 07-15-2011

People who are new to the server would vote more, it would ensure a consistent stream of votes and there is no reason they couldn't still get the 2G

RE: Minestatus Idea - Smythie - 07-15-2011

Hmm I dunno suppose it wouldn't harm anyone, not up to me though.

RE: Minestatus Idea - DARK_DUSK - 07-15-2011

I agree with pavja except it does seem like were forcing down their throats. Kinda gives off that evil server feel to it.

RE: Minestatus Idea - Smythie - 07-15-2011

I think it is better to have people vote for the server because they get good rewards not because they have to or they get punished. Kinda like a child, if you treat it well it will like you, if you force it to like you it probably won't.

RE: Minestatus Idea - pavja2 - 07-15-2011

Yeah, it is kind of cheating but I suppose if people want to play on the server then that means it deserves a vote

RE: Minestatus Idea - yottabyte - 07-15-2011

We have actually been discussing something like this in the admin section since keeping up with a whitelist is too much for little android.

Besides, the servers in the top five are already cheating by using proxies to vote several times each day.

RE: Minestatus Idea - squiggley1 - 07-15-2011

yotta there is only one thing i can say about the top 5... ChallengeAccepted

RE: Minestatus Idea - guthriearmstrong - 07-17-2011

I vote every day for the gold. And because being on the top 5 would be AWESOME.
I think that bribing us is "evil" enough, don't require it.