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Why hello there! - Printable Version

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Why hello there! - Elektroxell - 07-16-2011

Hello everyone!
I was just accepted to the Server!
I'm Elektroxell! Age 20! And played Minecraft since Alpha times!
However, I'm not the best builder. :c
But atleast I built a lil home already for myself!
However, after reading rules and so on, I'm still kinda clueless what I should be doing now. :c

Well hope it won't be so bad! =D

RE: Why hello there! - MainDigger - 07-16-2011

Welcome to the server!
What you probably want to do is to make some friends.
Maybe join a town or a Guild?
The possibilities are endless, young one.

RE: Why hello there! - Elektroxell - 07-16-2011

I just started!
And I seem to be confused about the chat-system... Although it seems simple... :c
I'd join a town or a Guild, if I knew advantages and all those stuff. Shocked
And where what is... xD