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A Kiwiships Suggestion - Printable Version

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A Kiwiships Suggestion - geckosquid - 08-08-2011

I've noticed that when a Kiwiship collides with a block, it counts that block as part of the ship, meaning that the ship's owner has to destroy the offending block in order to take off again. This gets rather messy when you accidentally crash into, say, someone's house, and you have to destroy part of their house, move the ship, and then repair the damage. This could be fixed if you could type something like /Kiwiship build, launching you into Build mode. While in Build mode, any blocks that you place would be considered part of your ship unless you destroy them. When you type /Kiwiship build once more, you are taken out of Build mode, and the blocks you just placed would be saved as a Kiwiship. This way, your Kiwiship would be totally unalterable when the owner is not in Build mode, making it a more concrete creation as well as allowing the owner to land without consequence. I'm no modder, so I have no clue if this is even possible, but I think it would make the mod even more playable. What do you guys think?

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - DARK_DUSK - 08-08-2011

+1 gecko also if somone finds away to troll this and make it bad I say "GTFO THIS BE A GOOD IDEA"

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - StayPuff - 08-08-2011

I can't remember this exactly, but I think my screw up caused this idea.. but not the point. All in all its a good idea and I think if it is possible to do then Yotta should really consider adding this in. Though it does sound quite hard to code something like that. If at all possible it sounds like a long project.

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - DARK_DUSK - 08-08-2011

Yotta can do it he can do anything Laugh

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - Crazylol5 - 08-08-2011

This bug is awesome! Just fly into an enemy wall and go in reverse.

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - yottabyte - 08-08-2011

The way ships work now is that, when you right click your [KiwiShip] sign, the server creates a ship object. This object holds stuff like ship owner, players on board, moving timers, all the blocks that are part of the ship.

When you right click the sign again OR collide with a block this ship object will be removed and your ship will just be normal blocks again.

I'm pretty sure that if we really wanted to, we could make it so the ship object can exist even though your ship isn't moving. This way you can collide and simply choose to go in the opposite direction. It would require somewhat of a rewrite of the current plugin though.


RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - RobertF - 08-08-2011

If you really wanna see a product of this, type /c and look up TrollTrollTroll

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - DARK_DUSK - 08-08-2011

Do it yotta!!! I know u can!

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - guthriearmstrong - 08-12-2011

Dern it, Yotta. I wanted to steal Mavenholm's front wall.

RE: A Kiwiships Suggestion - geckosquid - 08-12-2011

Suddenly, robbing banks takes on a whole new meaning...