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Farewell, Fellow Community... - Printable Version

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Farewell, Fellow Community... - Spammuff - 08-12-2011

Yes, It's True, Im leaving, you all, Today,

The reason, would be a subscription to Eve-online, Meaning i have no time to play on kiwike,
So I'm off, with a farewell and heartfelt good-bye, you all are good mean-full people who i have grown to like and admire, Im leaving for a year, No less, maybe more, I will try to come online every month, for 2 hours, maybe, And i will Stay lurker on forums, but for now and forever,

Anyone Who still wants to talk to me, My Skype Name is Unreal_Helol

A couple of thanks:

Thanks To Yotta, Android and the Moderation crew, For being amazing, and funny,

Special thanks to Kyga and suba And Naam

Thanks to Stug because stug likes to eat babies, And granite,

Thanks to bowser and Deogle. and rath

thanks to Nlewis, Rob, Peter, and Y'all, (We had a good run eh!)

Thanks to unreal22, So very much.

Thanks to Crazy, and Saera

And to whom , i might have left out, Thanks !

Farewell, Good Friends...

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - StayPuff - 08-12-2011

See you in a few months! (When you get bored of the game)

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - Sir Prize - 08-12-2011

I was left out on that list... Your Eve buddy... Cry

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - Spammuff - 08-12-2011

Smiley Lol , Will see you ingame. On eve XD

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - ZupZup - 08-12-2011


RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - yottabyte - 08-12-2011

Bye Mr pineapple. Stay away from hacks on Eve, would ya?

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - Spammuff - 08-12-2011

X-ray For eve, Oooooooo

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - DjFuzz - 08-12-2011

You Missed Out my Name Cry



RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - Spammuff - 08-12-2011

Awww, Ill miss you to Dj

RE: Farewell, Fellow Community... - geckosquid - 08-12-2011

No! Baby come back...
