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Sheepy is in da house! - Printable Version

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Sheepy is in da house! - Sheepy - 08-15-2011

Hey guys, my name's Sheepy and i thought i should introduce myself on Kiwike so...Hi, i enjoy playing minecraft and espically RP'ing with people, i'm friendly and happy most the time, sometimes i can provide a good laugh...I'm an ok builder, been involved in many building projects, mostly towns...

I'm 13 years old and no, i'm not a immature kid like on CoD or w/e, i respect people and enjoy people's company!

What else is there to say....oh! I hope i see you guy's ingame but where do i apply to be whitelisted? HeckNo

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - Cerce - 08-15-2011

Herro, and welcome to Kiwike!

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - Kyga - 08-15-2011

You can apply for the whitelist here
I look foward to seeing you online.

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - squiggley1 - 08-15-2011

nice panda kyga, I am 13 but turning 14 so I win Troll you seem like a pretty descent person so herro and welcome to teh server.

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - bowser956 - 08-16-2011

You seem like a cool person who should totally join my town when you are whitelisted. Ask for bowser or riskae and we can set you up.

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - DjFuzz - 08-16-2011

Helloooo !

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - DARK_DUSK - 08-16-2011

Hello please research everything about kiwike before asking questions.

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - squiggley1 - 08-16-2011

join aurora Troll not azure Troll jk iz your choice bro Tongue

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - asdfasdflkjty911 - 08-16-2011

I would totaly sit here and parade about joinging a town, but you havnt even been online in game so Im going to be a better person here and not beg for more citizens Troll. So hello! Welcome to Kiwike! Hope you have a good time here, there is lots to do where ever you go!

RE: Sheepy is in da house! - stubbkrossen - 08-16-2011

Greetings, sheepy!

I am... Dracula.
I bid you welcome!