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War subforum? - Printable Version

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War subforum? - geckosquid - 08-24-2011

As rileyshima recently brought up, the amount of posts concerning the current war are crowding the forums. What if there was a War subforum in the Nations section?

RE: War subforum? - DARK_DUSK - 08-24-2011

[Image: download.php?id=2158160&d=animatedgifs5&n=yes-omg&s=o] best idea yet

RE: War subforum? - Android - 08-24-2011

War should be rp, so if anything, maybe a subforum in the rp section.

RE: War subforum? - StayPuff - 08-24-2011

That would be a good idea. A War subforum in the RP section would cover the Declarations and such.

RE: War subforum? - geckosquid - 08-24-2011

Good idea. That would also force it to not be OOC, thus reducing the flaming.