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Current state of the server - Printable Version

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Current state of the server - yottabyte - 01-11-2011

Good evening players Smiley

Well, as you already know, the current server is chaos. But I like it. Everyone are free to PvP, there's no such thing as RDM in this current state. So go ahead, kill that guy and take his delicious armor, it's ok.
If you don't want to be killed and griefed, go hide in the mountains or just go far away from spawn and build your house there. Building close to spawn right now is like asking to get robbed, killed and griefed.

16/1 New griefing rules:
You may only grief if it helps you.

Stealing, killing for stuff is allowed.
Tearing up someones wall is allowed. (Just a 2x2 hole, you don't need to destroy the whole wall.)
Ripping up someones iron block floor to use the iron is allowed.
Tearing down someones house if you feel like it ruins your gameplay is allowed. Eg. you have a little cave where you live, someone build a house outside your cave. You may then tear it down, because it's a threat to your security.
No fire is tolerated, you may use it but if you do not put it out and we see it we will check logs and you will be banned. (This is because it creates loads of lag for the server, because notch did not make this resource friendly.)
Do not go into someones house and ruin it for fun, you may remove blocks to find hidden chests but you must replace them if they are not valuable.


Griefing just to be an ass is not allowed.
Don't just tear down a random house or put it on fire. This stuff will get you banned. If we ask you "why did you destroy X's house?" you need to have a good answer. (Don't lie because we already know and this just makes it worse.

/EDIT <NFMOUS>: If you have any troubles with greifing, get on the forums and PM Moderators. Do not what so ever complain directly to YOTTA, thats why there is more people that are moderators for this. He has things to worry about IRL and for the SERVER. Your just making it worse if you whine and cry to him 99.99% of the time.

List of moderators is on the announcements section, stickied.


We are as right now hosting it 100% vanilla, not even with Bukkit.
Tomorrow or within a couple of days we will enable a newer version of Bukkit with some basic stuff like a whitelist, mods features and local chat will be back.
Later on we will add things like lava and fire nerfing, as more plugins are created for Bukkit. The "final" state of this server will be kind of like how the old server was.

Oh and a quick note to newer players, sometime later (give it 1-2 months) we will introduce Kiwike 2.0. It is a new and unique way of Minecraft RP and we hope you will like it! We will once everything is done and it's ready for launch start over on a new pre-generated map. Just wanted to get that cleared out. And I have to go to bed now, school starts tomorrow so I won't be as active.

Re: Current state of the server - Android - 01-11-2011

OHNOEZ SCHOOL. Thanks for the shout out there yotta. For those of you who don't know, Droidopolis is a hidden city in this chaotic map for the people who want to escape the grieving. I would like to think it is based off of Rockopolis from Fallout 3. A ton more info on us in the Droidopolis sub-forum, check it out!

Re: Current state of the server - yottabyte - 01-12-2011

The dev-version of bukkit was way too laggy. Back to 100% vanilla again. Minecraft update tomorrow, we will see what happens then.

Re: Current state of the server - nsanexer0 - 01-16-2011

I believe I speak for everyone when I say the greifing has to stop seriously, it's getting out of hand.

You should issue a statement saying that whomever is found accountable for greifing will be banned from the 2.0 server, this way we know whom will be a "True Player" and not an ass who just mines, and kills creepers to get tnt and lava.

Even the hidden city of droid was majorly greifed the only place on the server where it was actaully possible to have fun.

There is absolutely no point in anyone playing if its just going to get destroyed and stolen.

Re: Current state of the server - Denash - 01-16-2011

dateline= Wrote:There is absolutely no point in anyone playing if its just going to get destroyed and stolen.

100% agree. I know it's vanilla but at the moment the accepted fact is if you don't hide your creation and tell no one it will be gone the next time you login. Also it's bad advertising for anyone who join now and sees this...

Re: Current state of the server - yottabyte - 01-16-2011

Alright, I decided to change the griefing rule.

You may only grief if it helps you.

Stealing, killing for stuff is allowed.
Tearing up someones wall is allowed.
Ripping up someones iron block floor to use the iron is allowed.
Tearing down someones house if you feel like it ruins your gameplay is allowed. Eg. you have a little cave where you live, someone build a house outside your cave. You may then tear it down, because it's a threat to your security.

Griefing just to be an ass is not allowed.
Don't just tear down a random house or put it on fire. This stuff will get you banned. If we ask you "why did you destroy X's house?" you need to have a good answer.

Re: Current state of the server - jackzt3r - 01-16-2011

But you need to realise, people are going to use this as a cover up yotta, they'll go in, take everything then walk out maybe break the place up then tell you they did it for the materials. It's really annoying to know the things you put hard effort into, can just be casually taken by someone else and then not be punished for it.

Re: Current state of the server - Denash - 01-17-2011

dateline= Wrote:cover up

Exactly, I appreciate the thought of altering the griefing code Yotta, but all it takes is a convincing enough lie to do whatever you want.

Re: Current state of the server - Graft - 01-17-2011

(01-17-2011, 01:10)Denash link Wrote:
Quote:cover up

Exactly, I appreciate the thought of altering the griefing code Yotta, but all it takes is a convincing enough lie to do whatever you want.

My opinion:
Poking around in a house, removing blocks to find hidden stashes should be allowed, but only if the blocks are put back. This is easy to do and sorts out the griefers from the RP-ing raiders.

Re: Current state of the server - SirSuba - 01-17-2011

rockopolis? and yotta add all the mods names so they know who to complain to.