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Just wondering, - Printable Version

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Just wondering, - Terokan - 09-15-2011

I'm unable to connect to the server... Its outdated... Singleplayer is, Ever so lonely... Is the server back up is my question Smiley just curious.


RE: Just wondering, - DjFuzz - 09-15-2011

All large servers are still on 1.7 because if they update to 1.8 all plugins will not work and then it means a bad greifed server so you wilkl either have to wait till server is 1.8 or downgrande to 1.7

Hope this cleared things up

RE: Just wondering, - Terokan - 09-15-2011

(09-15-2011, 18:17)DjFuzz Wrote: All large servers are still on 1.7 because if they update to 1.8 all plugins will not work and then it means a bad greifed server so you wilkl either have to wait till server is 1.8 or downgrande to 1.7

Hope this cleared things up

Awwwh! Sad Any estimated time on returning? SoMuchWin Me miss Kiwike Why!

RE: Just wondering, - DjFuzz - 09-15-2011

A week or so I think because our large amount of plugins need to be updated

RE: Just wondering, - conor1121 - 09-15-2011

Is there any way we could use the test server for now. PLEASE PLEASE

RE: Just wondering, - DjFuzz - 09-15-2011

How would asking this guy help, seriously what's wrong with you Conor :L

RE: Just wondering, - RobertF - 09-15-2011

(09-15-2011, 18:55)conor1121 Wrote: Is there any way we could use the test server for now. PLEASE PLEASE

Seriously Conor, what's your problem. Now back on a logical / non idiotic topic, next time, copy your older minecraft.jar to a different location, update, and if you want to downgrade your Minecraft version, paste back the .jar.

RE: Just wondering, - yottabyte - 09-15-2011

We no have a test server. We need at least Bukkit updated, preferably Citizens too. If Spout would update that would be cool. But they need MCP to update first.

Within a week would be my guess.