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Troubles - Brandon_camp94 - 01-20-2011

Hey Everyone,

So over the past little while i have been having constant trouble connecting i believe it could be my minecraft launcher so im gonna try to uninstall and reinstall the launcher and hopefully ill be able to connect with the server soon.

I know it has been a while since i was last on i was connected for a second the other day but my victory was short lived. So just to clarify i am still part of the seerver just been having computer troubles.


Re: Troubles - Denash - 01-20-2011

Keep in mind that Notch is doing some work on it's servers at the moment and that effecting EVERYONE's ability to login. I routinely have to make 5-10 attempts before it lefts me in.

Re: Troubles - SirSuba - 01-21-2011

Haha me too Brandon.

Re: Troubles - Brandon_camp94 - 01-21-2011

Yea i know that much but its been going on since the new server was started and it was never this bad not to mention when i go to and try to get on it normaly works but this isnt always and option due to a slow internet explorer. And thats to bad suba hopefully this will get cleared up soon. you get a town up?

Re: Troubles - SirSuba - 01-21-2011

No my computer hardrive got all messed up. Someone is fixing it now.

Re: Troubles - Brandon_camp94 - 01-21-2011

Thats good hopefully that wont take to long. I'm gonna try to resolve my problems today after school.