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I say, You say! - Printable Version

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I say, You say! - jackzt3r - 01-21-2011

This is a game I posted on some other forum and I would like to share it with you guys here.

It's pretty simple. You just have to post the first thing that comes to your mind on the last sentence, got it?

Let's start then! Laugh

If I say random, you say...

Re: I say, You say! - Android - 01-21-2011

I say cheese cake.

If I say Yellow, you say...

Re: I say, You say! - jackzt3r - 01-21-2011

I say Pikachu!!

If i say Cheeseburger, you say....?

Re: I say, You say! - douwehh - 01-21-2011

i say mcdonalds

if i say saturday you say?

Re: I say, You say! - jackzt3r - 01-21-2011

I say Drunk!

If i say lol you say...?

Re: I say, You say! - hethoran - 01-30-2011

i say firing mah lazors

if i say nubs, you say...

RE: I say, You say! - Android - 02-03-2011

I say n00bzor.

If I say pencil...

RE: I say, You say! - Graft - 02-05-2011


If I say chocolate chip cookies...

RE: I say, You say! - Android - 02-05-2011


If I say Map...

RE: I say, You say! - Graft - 02-05-2011

I say cartographer

If I say haircut...