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RFW this Sunday! - Printable Version

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RFW this Sunday! - yottabyte - 01-27-2012

Video from the race


[Image: EBLkr.png]

We're doing another Race For Wool this Sunday. A bit late to announce it, but I'm sure we could get at least 8 people together!

Time and date
The race will start at 8 PM (20:00) CET!
Same time as the last one, pretty much.

Amazing Wolfram Alpha time zone converter right here >

Being on Teamspeak with your team is highly recommended. There are private channels set up for the event. You don't necessarily need a microphone but again, highly recommended. Players with a microphone will be prioritized if the teams get too big. And please include it in your post if you don't have a microphone.

Team 1:
  • leowester (no mic)
  • asdfasdflkjty911
  • geckosquid
  • XCellX
  • yottabyte

Team 2:
  • guthrie0
  • Saera
  • DjFuZZ
  • Ian25
  • Unreal22

  • yottabyte
  • DjFuZZ
  • XCellX
  • Unreal22
  • asdfasdflkjty911
  • leowester
  • geckosquid
  • Ian25
  • guthrie0
  • Saera

Picking the lanes
Before the game, one person from each team will be chosen to have a fist fight against each other in the colored wool zone of the spawn. The winner's team gets to choose their lane!

The server IP will be announced on Teamspeak when we start the event.

Additional Kiwike game rules
We have a few extra rules to make it more fun and fair.
  • Do not place blocks in the pain water area (lava/water maze) to make obsidian. Buckets count for this too, go somewhere else for water.
  • Don't enter the lanes until I (yottabyte) have counted down. Crash has no authority.
  • Have fun! Don't be sad because your team sucks.

Race For Wool instructions and rules- READ IF YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED

RACE FOR WOOL #02: Direct Fire
Version 1.1

by Vechs


The map is divided into two identical lanes.  Each team plays on a lane, and rushes to place colored wool blocks on their Victory Monument, the first team to place all the blocks wins.

Each lane is 16 blocks wide, and once the map has started (Both teams leave the starting platform.)  players are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN from leaving their lanes.  At no point may players leave the 16 block width of their lane, and if they do, the other team may, at their descretion, claim victory and disqualify the offending team.  Should an explosion or other game effect move a player off their lane involuntarily, the player must immediatly fall into the void and die (likely to happen anyway, but the player might land on a block between lanes...).

However, players may, upon both teams consensus prior to the map starting, act upon each other with ranged techniques -- as long as the players stay within their area, they may shoot arrows, push blocks via pistons, and use TNT cannons, or other available techniques to harass and slow down the other team.

(It is in the spirit of the map for players to be as hostile and confrontational to the other team as possible.  In other words, they should be SUPER HOSTILE to each other.)


Should a player die and not have a bed available to respawn at, they must leave the starting platform and immediatly return to their lane.

Players make break blocks, craft, and for the most part play Minecraft as normal, but they must aquire the goal wools from chests in the map, and not use dyes to aquire the wool colors.  Players are also prohibited from moving on top of the map ceiling, should such a roof be present.

RE: RFW this Saturday - partyars - 01-27-2012

I can't play this saturday. Okay

RE: RFW this Saturday - yottabyte - 01-27-2012

(01-27-2012, 01:37)partyars Wrote: I can't play this saturday. Okay


RE: RFW this Saturday - Cell - 01-27-2012

New system, new try.
Count me in Yottabyte! Wether or not my team "sucks" this time, i'll stick in the game Laugh.

RE: RFW this Saturday - Ian25 - 01-27-2012

I'm down.

RE: RFW this Saturday - Sir Prize - 01-27-2012

Creating the teams based on Elo is something I advice against at the moment, due to it not being quite balanced yet.

However, if you wish to use it, you create a team, then calculate the average score of that team and try to get it as close to the others as possible for balanced teams.

Also, the lower the ELO of the winning team, the more ELO ranking that team will get. Meaning, if the ELO of the winning team is much higher than that of the losing team, they will recieve close to nothing.

RE: RFW this Saturday - leowester - 01-27-2012

Im in
Btw it will be my first time Laugh

RE: RFW this Saturday - Cerce - 01-27-2012

I MIGHT come in on Saturday... It'd be my first time as well.

RE: RFW this Saturday - geckosquid - 01-27-2012

Yeah, no way I can make that. I'm sure my mind blowing prowess will be sorely missed.

RE: RFW this Saturday - DjFuzz - 01-27-2012

Well are you able to make Sunday?