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Halren in the Wiki - Printable Version

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Halren in the Wiki - Crashlander04 - 01-27-2012

I really haven't been able to use the Kiwiki as much as I would want as just about everything I write on it gets backdated because others liked their story better. I have noticed that in certain events, Halren has not been mentioned (or even written about)

I've been reading through The Raiding Wars and the Intentan Scare and there is not one mention of Halren in either - even though the town was pivotal to both (whether acknowledged by some or not). As well, in The Raiding Wars, credit has gone greatly unnoticed to both skote11, myself and many others. skote11 himself was a commander in this war and the two of us fought throughout the whole duration of the occupation (as well as the fact that the occupation was my idea in the first place). Halren built a considerable section of the blockade, and the events in which they took part were completely disregarded.

Not to mention the fact that we were pivotal in The Intentan Scare, the creation and downfall of Intentus, and the creation and downfall of Cicatrix (hell, I even came up with the name).

I ask that this be corrected accurately, or that I am given the permission and ability to alter these accounts to include the full events that took place.

RE: Halren in the Wiki - Ian25 - 01-27-2012

Long live Halren!

RE: Halren in the Wiki - squiggley1 - 01-27-2012

I marshalled like 5 people and then all the cicatrixians logged off D;

RE: Halren in the Wiki - yottabyte - 01-27-2012

Feel free to make a new page called something random, copy pasta, do the changes you want, save and then PM me or Crazylol the link so we can update the page in question!

RE: Halren in the Wiki - Cell - 01-27-2012

(01-27-2012, 23:14)Crashlander04 Wrote: The Intentan Scare, the creation and downfall of Intentus

I resent that!
And it was not the reason Intentus fell, although when the majority of the towns left, including Halren, did play a major part, it was not the final blow..but you should be included for your act of rebellion that weakened the nation resulting in its crippling and then later, destruction.

As for The Raiding wars, we all kind of put that together at the end, Spammuff, Android, and I. So we just wrote our views of the war and compiled it into one big page, sorry for not including you :/.

RE: Halren in the Wiki - DjFuzz - 01-28-2012

The reason why Halren was not menshioned as a seltzer place was because when these battle took place pu where a part of Helvanthar.

RE: Halren in the Wiki - Crashlander04 - 01-28-2012

(01-27-2012, 23:51)Cell Wrote:
(01-27-2012, 23:14)Crashlander04 Wrote: The Intentan Scare, the creation and downfall of Intentus

I resent that!
And it was not the reason Intentus fell, although when the majority of the towns left, including Halren, did play a major part, it was not the final blow..but you should be included for your act of rebellion that weakened the nation resulting in its crippling and then later, destruction.

As for The Raiding wars, we all kind of put that together at the end, Spammuff, Android, and I. So we just wrote our views of the war and compiled it into one big page, sorry for not including you :/.

Lol, Celly, we're never gonna agree on the Intentus thing XD my story is mine and yours is yours - lets just drop that Tongue

point of the whole thing is, Halren got just about 0 credit for anything while towns that existed for a week with 2 people (the rebellion XD) got a mention.

During the raiding war we were pivotal and nobody can deny that without lying -.-
We did leave Helvanthar due to conflicts, but we were still very much worth mention.

ALSO Cicatrix never surrendered, even though inactive and all but crushed they never technically 'lost' or gave in. Yay for wars that never ended Smiley

RE: Halren in the Wiki - Cell - 01-28-2012

Okai Crash Laugh.

The war never ended... Oh the insanity...

RE: Halren in the Wiki - partyars - 01-28-2012

(01-28-2012, 00:29)Cell Wrote: Okai Crash Laugh.

The war never ended... Oh the insanity...

War... war never changes...

RE: Halren in the Wiki - Crashlander04 - 01-28-2012

(01-28-2012, 00:43)partyars Wrote:
(01-28-2012, 00:29)Cell Wrote: Okai Crash Laugh.

The war never ended... Oh the insanity...

War... war never changes...

War never changes.. anything..