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Was banned unfairly - Printable Version

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Was banned unfairly - Riskae - 02-20-2012

I stepped on a pressure plate that set off tnt in crashes house, and then he told Saera i did it and got me banned. Which is lying to a mod.

edit:crash placed the tnt then called me into his house.

RE: Was banned unfairly - Ian25 - 02-20-2012


RE: Was banned unfairly - Crashlander04 - 02-20-2012

actually, a block check can confirm that i set a tnt trap for intruders, then called riskae in to set it off. This destroyed the floor of my building only. riskae then proceeded to place several more tnt blocks - which set off seconds later on no part of my own (most likely by skote or riskae) destroying the exterior of my building.

RE: Was banned unfairly - guthriearmstrong - 02-20-2012

Actually, block checks can only check who placed the trigger, not who placed the exploded TNT.

RE: Was banned unfairly - Ian25 - 02-20-2012

wait...fuck. I forgot that I live with crash -.-

RE: Was banned unfairly - Crashlander04 - 02-20-2012

really? I thought you moved out ian..

RE: Was banned unfairly - Ian25 - 02-20-2012

(02-20-2012, 06:03)Crashlander04 Wrote: really? I thought you moved out ian..


RE: Was banned unfairly - sethd13 - 02-20-2012

lololol I votefor pardon

RE: Was banned unfairly - Ian25 - 02-20-2012

Already pardoned.

RE: Was banned unfairly - Android - 02-20-2012

If Riskae hadn't placed more TNT of his own (not even sure if he did), then Crash, you would be temp banned right now.

Watch yourself.