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The History of iDie - Printable Version

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The History of iDie - iDieForEXP - 03-05-2012

I awoke to screams. My father ran into my room and pulled me out, fire filled our doorway, and so we went out the window. Smashing the glass with his bare hand, my father lead the way for me to get out of Deriden into the wild. He was a wilderness man, my father. Knew how to carve out a living from the most brutal environments, and he had, twice in fact. He led the survivors of Albion from one hidden town to the next, always being a leader, always being there for any sick, any wounded. Deriden was the first of our hidden towns, and Mortus was the original town. We didn’t far better than most other towns and cities of Albion once we declared our independence from Gaul. I remember the night of the killings well, even though it was 17 years ago. Everyone in Mortus was outside; the town workers were shooting off fire charges into the air to celebrate. Halfway through the show, there was a scream, and everyone stopped to listen and look around. Surrounding Mortus was a ring of fire. A woman came running into the crowd covered in licking flames deliriously screaming that the Gaulish were coming. She fell to a smoldering heap right in front of me. All of the men jumped to their feet, but it was too late. The ring of fire was 20 some meters high, and there was no telling how far it reached into the surrounding forest. Women cradling their children ran in every direction, and the men were starting to come back from houses with swords, bows, and armor. We sat, and we waited. And nothing happened. The fire never spread, and the panicked yells and screams slowly subsided. It had been 5 hours since the woman and flames appeared, but nothing had happened. My mother told me to lie down and get some rest, there was nothing to do but wait, so I did. It could have been seconds, minutes, or hours before I awoke again, but things were different now. There was a whir of propellers in the distance, steadily growing louder like the thunder when a storm approaches. My father grew tense. Then, over the flames, I could see them. There were 30 Gaulish airships, led by the biggest one I had ever seen, the G.R.N. Tempest. They swarmed the small town and started their siege. But we had had time to prepare. The remaining fire charges, now not aimed at the sky, but at the many smaller airships protecting Tempest. Shot after shot was fired, and as our elite marksmen burned the enemies’ sails to a crisp, they fell out of the sky, like birds shot with an arrow. One of the larger ships, the G.R.N. Bark, with half it’s sail burnt away tried to save it itself, but instead went into a downward spiral and slammed into the hull of Tempest. The men let out a whoop of victory, but soon after came a cry of dismay as the burning hull flooded itself from the inside. We were running out of charges, and there were still 15 ships left. The guards pulled out their enchanted bows and shot arrows tipped with fire at the ships, but it had little effect. Now the ships started returning fire. House after house was destroyed by the ships’ cannons. Soon, with only a handful of survivors left, my father was the highest of rank and took charge. He knew we were fighting a losing battle, and as soon as the Guals disembarked from their ships to mop up the survivors, we were dead. He ordered everyone to the only strong building in town, the bank, and told us we had to move in groups of twos. Our only hope was to run through the fire and hope to survive. Mortus was dead. The other families went first, and ours was saved for last. My father and I went before the women, so that if the fire went on forever, we could tell them before we died. My father took me in his arms and ran, through the flames, they were thin, and to the other side. We could see through the flames into the lighted village and to my horror, the Gauls were starting towards the ground on their ropes. The last people in the village were my mother and my two sisters, my father yelled for them to hurry, and I guess they heard him because they started to run. My youngest sister tripped and my mother and older sister stayed back to help her up, but my mother told my sister to run. They’ll catch up. As my little sister got to her feet and they were about to leave, and gruff arm grabbed my mother from behind. A diamond sword slicing her throat cleanly. Blood spilled onto the ground, and my father jerked up, but I held him back. He understood. There were too many. The man grabbed my screaming younger sister and carried her away. When there were 10 meters between my older sister and the fire, she stopped suddenly. An arrow sticking through the back of her knee. She swayed for a moment, then let out a shriek, “All I ever wanted to be was an adventurer! Why!? Why!? Why the knee!!?” And she fell to the ground, dead.

End(Chpter 1)
((Can you guys give your opinions and/or correct any of my mistakes? I'll add more periodically))

RE: The History of iDie - Leech - 03-05-2012

((It's good, my only complaint is that no history is given, and that sorta makes it confusing))

RE: The History of iDie - Crashlander04 - 03-05-2012

Bowser *self-servingly offered you a home ;P

RE: The History of iDie - geckosquid - 03-05-2012

((Just so you know, any lore generated from the beta will not have ever happened once Revamped comes out.))

RE: The History of iDie - iDieForEXP - 03-06-2012

(( Oh noes... :( I'll take that part out after I finish writing the actual story.))

RE: The History of iDie - asdfasdflkjty911 - 03-06-2012

((Looks good, keep it up, can't wait to see the rest of it!

RE: The History of iDie - tristo999 - 03-06-2012

((Is your RP name going to be IDie?))

((Edit: You saw nothing Gecko))

RE: The History of iDie - geckosquid - 03-06-2012

((Double parentheses, Tristo!))

RE: The History of iDie - iDieForEXP - 03-08-2012

((Yep. I think I'll stick with iDie, unless anyone can give me any better ideas. Gaah, I've had alot of homework lately so I'll probably write the actual story next week and try to post it next weekend.))

((EDIT: Just kidding guys! I got bored right now and so I updated the story!))

RE: The History of iDie - tristo999 - 03-08-2012

((Arrow to the knee... Hmm.)