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Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - asdfasdflkjty911 - 04-10-2012

So Im online minding my own business, when all of a sudden BAM! I get banned for breaking rule 7. Probably one of the most vague bans Ive seen, who said I did this? Why? When? You just ban me while Im online and dont even ask me for my side of the story? Wtf. This is ridiculous.

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - Spammuff - 04-10-2012

I've had 3 reports of you killing people with bad RP reasoning.

I've also talked with the other moderators, they have heard such stories as-well.

One person ingame messaged me with such a killing, and a 'bounty' with bad RP reasoning.

Would you like to explain this?

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - Ian25 - 04-10-2012

Well, considering the amount of raiding/killing going on that is under speculation, my self included, this shouldn't result in a ban.

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - asdfasdflkjty911 - 04-10-2012

Exactly. I've been raiding Bowser, me and Bowser just made a deal too, thats over. The only other person is Jnkw who I killed on a bounty from Conor1121. That has also been resolved with Saera, but if that is counting towards this then that doesnt make since.
If I'm banned for raiding, half the server should be too.

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - Ian25 - 04-10-2012

(04-10-2012, 01:35)asdfasdflkjty911 Wrote: If I'm banned for raiding, half the server should be too.


RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - asdfasdflkjty911 - 04-10-2012

'Cept you Ian25<3

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - Spammuff - 04-10-2012

(04-10-2012, 01:33)Ian25 Wrote: Well, considering the amount of raiding/killing going on that is under speculation, my self included, this shouldn't result in a ban.

I don't care about any raiding or killing going on...

Each kill or raid requires an satisfactory amount of RP or they shouldn't happen...

The kills that I heard Asdf dealt out.. Had Un-satisfactory RP...

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - asdfasdflkjty911 - 04-10-2012

No, I made sure every single one of them had an RP reason, and the ones that people thought wernt, where either dealt with only the forums (smythie) or in game, with Saera.

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - Saera - 04-10-2012

Ok so here's how I understand it from what both sides told me.

Asdf, you said that your people had a bounty on jnkw because Conor "spotted" him at town. So naturally I suppose, you looked for jnkw (I have no idea how), killed him, looted some stuff (?) and left. Jnkw lost most of his stuff due to it despawning as you guarded the area (and killed him a second time when he tried to return). jnkw never stepped into any town except the Inn (if you even call that a town)

So all is fine and dandy, except that there is a potential for abuse for this "rp". Any one of your member could simply put up a bounty on just about anyone on the server. The rest of the server wouldn't know if it is really true. It'd have been a different story if you HAD placed a bounty notice at the Inn. (ie. Jnkw/rp character wanted dead for being spotted at asdf's town, will give ### GN or something like that). And btw, did Conor actually pay you for that successful bounty?

RE: Ban Appeal Asdfasdflkjty911 - theonedoctor - 04-10-2012

Hey not cool man! Fine what wouldve you had him do? Hey guys heads up just wanted to tell you that im gonna raid you so go and take anything of value and hide it! Also what would Bandits do when you think about it? Its not like they just let people know before they raid! So unban asdf and this should not count at all for anything more.