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Greetings - Printable Version

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Greetings - tuxman007 - 03-30-2011

I am Tuxman, an RPer. I decided to post on this forum to say that I am a newcomer on this server and will be playing my first session in but a moment.

have a nice day all.

I appreciate the Troll face

RE: Greetings - tristo999 - 03-30-2011

Follow me and you will sucseed! join the vikings.
and ps. dont listen to droid or cerce. trust me.

RE: Greetings - Kubrickb - 03-30-2011

Welcome Tux. I look forward to future interactions in-game and on the forums.

_Master Stone-Cutter_
*The Roadbuilders*

RE: Greetings - Android - 03-31-2011

Hey there tux! See ya 'round.

RE: Greetings - Cerce - 03-31-2011

Heheh, leave it to tristo..

Anyways, I am Cerce, founder of Cerantia and roleplayer extraordinare. Welcome!

RE: Greetings - Cell - 04-01-2011

Welcome to Kiwike.

RE: Greetings - geckosquid - 04-01-2011

Nice try, tristo. Anyways, welcome to Kiwike!

RE: Greetings - Kbrown53 - 04-02-2011

Welcome to Kiwike, please keep your hands in the car at all times and press the red button to nuke a random person, you know THAT RED BUTTON

RE: Greetings - TheCreator - 04-08-2011

Welcome to Kiwike, enjoy your stay and try to not lose THE GAME.

RE: Greetings - Cynthetic - 04-08-2011
