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Keep war? - yottabyte - 04-16-2011

Edit: Please note that this is just about keeping the current way of war!

We will still have war on Kiwike but not the grief style of war it is now!

If you feel like you voted wrong, you can change your vote if you wish by clicking on [Undo vote] under the poll question.

Poll ends April 19th.

There's been some discussing going around on the server about whether to keep the war feature.
Both big nations, Helvanthar and The Vikings think war is stupid since people spend a lot of time building and then see it being removed in a couple of minutes for no reason.

Other people love the idea of war, cannons, traps etc. We definitely need to come to an agreement on this one.

Vote in the poll and leave a comment if you wish.

Have a good weekend!

RE: Keep war? - Cell - 04-16-2011

Well War every week would be kinda crazy.
But in moderation, Say every other week would be fine with me, it adds more action and fun to the server Laugh

RE: Keep war? - Android - 04-16-2011

I hate the towny way of war. I don't want all of my stuff be destroyed in one night because of one guys with a pic axe. I still want raids of course, as there's no fun if 'warring' towns can't fight in some kind of way.

RE: Keep war? - Leeroy - 04-16-2011

Keep war, remove the ability to be neutral. Town status should be roleplay.

RE: Keep war? - SirSuba - 04-16-2011

War is stupid, not worth it for towns to be destroyed. Pvp is fun though.

RE: Keep war? - Crazylol5 - 04-16-2011

(04-16-2011, 19:24)Leeroy Wrote: VIKING ARE BEBBY
Keep war, remove the ability to be neutral. Town status should be roleplay.

Everything in this post.

RE: Keep war? - ICouldBeYourHero - 04-16-2011

I personally like RobertF's alternative to town war. He had the idea that the two nations would meet at a third party battle ground, so no items were destroyed in the city. It would keep the people happy that like war but dont want all their stuff destroyed.

RE: Keep war? - Android - 04-16-2011

Of course, but that's simply option two, with some organization by the included nations.

RE: Keep war? - douwehh - 04-17-2011

Yeah, sounds great!

RE: Keep war? - Kubrickb - 04-17-2011

This is a bit more complicated than a Yes or No.

War as it is established right now, needs to tweeked. The idea that war is laying siege to a city for a few hours, doesn't really hold the weight that it should. It has become more of a wait till no one is in the city and go GRIEF. This is unacceptable. I think with some planning that we can use the current plug-in as an effective tool to keep the Waring and RP elements alive. (see my proposal to come).

Raids need to be able to happen at anytime, but people should not be able to grief during a raid, just Kill. With proper fortifications a city could be relatively safe from raiders. if I person is frightened they could simply run into their well locked homes and hide.

RobertF's idea is a great part of an over all solution. A area of dispute or "Battlefield" (don't want to use Battle-grounds to WOW) where two waring nations meet to slaughter each other is a great plan. Tied into the over-all Raid/War structure it could prove Great RP and down right excellent PVP fun!

I'll get to work on the proposal.
I will first post it in the Admin section for review.