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I'm not a blasted REAL bear ya fuggin' bandit! Now return me fur britches! - Printable Version

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I'm not a blasted REAL bear ya fuggin' bandit! Now return me fur britches! - ZoranTheBear - 04-17-2011

These new lands be a pain in my furry britches that I have currently re-acquired from a small little person!

By me dwarven(Or viking if mythical races aren't allowed) beard this new lands seems to have it's fair share of trouble! Ye' folks be needin some sert of axe fer' yer battles fer' hire?

((Me and my friend Sarodinian applied on the minecraft forum. But we'll wait like others to be accepted. We both have been looking for a good RP minecraft server. So our hopes are settled here!))

RE: I'm not a blasted REAL bear ya fuggin' bandit! Now return me fur britches! - Android - 04-17-2011

Welcome! Being dwarven is fine, in any case I suggest you don't associate with any sort of Viking Wink