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Reputation - PanSowa - 12-27-2010

As in topic - what's this?

Re: Reputation - yottabyte - 12-27-2010

Google is your friend Wink

Re: Reputation - PanSowa - 12-27-2010

Lol : D
I know what it means, I'm just asking how the reputation system is working there;p
You can only give / take reputation to the person, who posted b4 you, yes?

As I guess somebody doesn't like meSmiley

Re: Reputation - yottabyte - 12-27-2010

Oh! You can give/take reputation to everyone. There is a limit though, I think you can only do it every 24 hours. But yeah, your reputation is not too high.

Re: Reputation - PanSowa - 12-27-2010

O again i lost 1 reputation.
Also i found out that only users with 10 posts or more can use the reputation systemSmiley

Is there possibility to change the reputation system, to make it more clearly? I'm thinking about text box that appears when somebody press the "Give"/"Take" button, to leave information for user, why you evaluated/downrated him. It should be anonymously then.

Yes, I don't like when I'm not posting new posts, and my reputation is going down, I want to know why. That's all.

Re: Reputation - yottabyte - 12-27-2010

Yah, true. I think there are some kind of note mode/addon thingy. Can't really do much on vacation though.
And yeah, being random derepped (?) is not too fun, indeed.

Re: Reputation - Android - 12-27-2010

I was jut about to post amtopic like this myself. Not too sure who took my rep bunI don't think I crossed anyone.

Re: Reputation - PanSowa - 01-02-2011

Kay, again -2 reputation, when I wasn't online, lol.

I'm leaving, bye.

Re: Reputation - Android - 01-03-2011

If I am correct, then the reputation system is now gone

Re: Reputation - yottabyte - 01-03-2011

Yeah, someone was just random demoting everyone which just ruins the idea.