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Peace Treaty - Printable Version

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Peace Treaty - NLewis - 04-29-2011

Ladies and Gentlemen of Kiwike.

On behalf of the entire Cornerstone Empire, I would like to announce that we stand down from the War with Helvanthar and Tullius.

We would like to become peaceful and we very much enjoyed the ways before the war, when we all got along.

We shall not raid or attack any of the Helvan or Tullius Towns if this treaty is accepted.

We hope your Nations and Towns will prosper, and we could all be allies in the future.

Cornerstone Empire - Co-Emperor - Liaison

RE: Peace Treaty - Android - 04-29-2011

*Two soldiers in armor marked with the Emblem of Cornerstone appear, carrying what seems to be a letter*

"We need you to sign this, sir"

*Android reads over the treaty, carefully.*

"They declared this war and want to end it now? This is ridiculous, but it does counts as another win for us, and Tullius."

*He thinks to himself: We really should spend some time on fortification. The Viking War left a bigger impact than I first thought.*

*He quickly signs the paper, with a smirk on his face.*

"I'll advise asdf that it's in his best interest to sign. Be on your way you two."

RE: Peace Treaty - asdfasdflkjty911 - 04-30-2011

* A messenger bird appears on the roof of the Cencus Town hall*

* I reach out and grab it, theres a well written treaty on the small paper attached to the grey hawk *

* I slowly read over it, and decide that this "war" has caused nothing but trouble and grief. I sign my name and attach the note back to the hawk and send it back from where it came *