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I can count! - Printable Version

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I can count! - Android - 12-29-2010

Similiar to the other forum game, our goal is to count! Except in this one, we are uninterrupted and can go as high as possible. No double posts.

To start of the never-ending count off:

Número 1!

Re: I can count! - stern23 - 12-29-2010

This post is brought to you by the Roman Numeral:


Re: I can count! - yottabyte - 12-29-2010


Re: I can count! - nsanexer0 - 12-30-2010


Just kidding maybe in a few years.

FA-FA-FA-FO-FO-FOUR! (had a bit of a keyboard studder.)

Re: I can count! - SuperWheatie - 01-01-2011

5 ?

Re: I can count! - SenorRopa - 01-08-2011

Seis, Six, sechs, 六, 여섯, altı......all six supposedly in google translator ^_^

Re: I can count! - douwehh - 01-08-2011

seven, siebte, zeven, sept  Smiley All without a translater!

Re: I can count! - Android - 01-08-2011

Oito, Eight, Ba, Ocho!

Re: I can count! - minecr4ft - 01-08-2011

negen, neuf, nigne

Re: I can count! - douwehh - 01-08-2011

ten, tien, tien, dix, diez, десять