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Crazy redstone computer! - Printable Version

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Crazy redstone computer! - Kubrickb - 05-09-2011

RE: Crazy redstone computer! - Fr0sty - 05-09-2011


RE: Crazy redstone computer! - sharpeggio - 05-10-2011

My head is actually exploding. I mean, you could make a moving lightboard, but the resources it requires is not as efficient for the amount of time you need to get the redstone...

RE: Crazy redstone computer! - StayPuff - 05-10-2011

I came.

RE: Crazy redstone computer! - Unreal22 - 05-15-2011

Woody and CaptainSparklez are EPIC.

RE: Crazy redstone computer! - doggypwn - 05-19-2011

I want to go inside the center of the computer and remove 1 redstone TrollDad