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Zaborav is under attack! - Printable Version

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Zaborav is under attack! - granite123 - 05-13-2011

Zaborav is under attack! yup you heard it, you may or may not have heard in global but lol, 20-30 lightning strikes have hit our new town's roof. and plenty more around us. Supercharged creepers were constantly near us, and 2 zombie pigman have spawned! it was so cool to watch and Android, Stugmaster, and I all got hit by lightning, although only android died. RIP Android. And enjoy some of the screenshots for your own amusement =D

[Image: 113052481161.png]

[Image: 1130524815211.png]

Zombie Pigman wants YOU to joing Zaborav!

Come tell you great lightning strike stories here, some of them are actually interestingMellow

RE: Zaborav is under attack! - doggypwn - 05-13-2011

My wolf got struck by lightning 3 times in 2 minutes one time. I healed him up after getting him to some water, then it decided to take a swim. Underneath my dock. He didn't budge, and now his grave is at the bottom of a very deep ocean. I also got set on fire twice during the whole thing, thank god for diamond armor. (and the ocean being very near me)

RE: Zaborav is under attack! - StayPuff - 05-13-2011

That was pretty fun. I tried to get as many pics as possible of lightning, I'll have to check them when I get home. But Android died. Sad It was a sad sad night. I was brought down to 3 hearts with a lightning strike in full diamond armor. It hurt!

RE: Zaborav is under attack! - Kubrickb - 05-13-2011

I guess being constructed of metal and wire doesn't help Android. He was hit in The Quarry a week ago. I think maybe he should invest in a lightning Rod helmet!

RE: Zaborav is under attack! - Spammuff - 05-14-2011

Danger,Danger, High Voltage!