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PvP off In all Citys - Printable Version

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PvP off In all Citys - DjFuzz - 05-17-2011

Just wanted to ask if it would be OK if you could take the PvP Permissions away because In the sense of RP Running in with a bucket of lava or a flint and steel to capture a city is just god damn stupid

RE: PvP off In all Citys - Cell - 05-17-2011

The use of lava can not be placed within the city if it is protected.
I'm pretty sure same goes with flint and steel (Not positive).
As for other reason, killing is part of the game, and the reason you build walls and protect your city is to prevent attacks, other than it would be very boring in-game.

RE: PvP off In all Citys - DjFuzz - 05-17-2011

I know That Why No Pvp Permissions Will Be good

RE: PvP off In all Citys - The Black Sun - 05-17-2011

I agree with DJ and Cell, towny is just generally bad for a RP server because it is overly restrictive / gives mayors godlike powers. If I hit someone with a sword they should get hurt regardless of where they are standing.

RE: PvP off In all Citys - yottabyte - 05-17-2011

I'm kind of confused by the title of this thread but I'm guessing it's about town's should have PvP on at all times?

We actually had a poll about this a while ago and the PvP always on won the poll, we just never got around to adding it. I think it's fixed now. No more pvp protection in towns!

RE: PvP off In all Citys - Cell - 05-17-2011

Dj, I think you misunderstood me.
No one can run in and place a lava bucket if your town is protected.
And No one can light you on fire if your town is protected.
War is war, Killing is part of the game.