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Hi there. - Printable Version

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Hi there. - RobbertJan - 06-04-2011

I've applied to be whitelisted on the minecraftforums, I don't really know if I'll be accepted yet.
But in the awaiting of a responce I've decided to scout through these forums, by the way I love the way you guys made your website.
Easy, but yet with style.
My name IRL is Robbert-Jan, my IGN (In-Game Name) is RobbertJan.
So yeah, you can call me whatever you want, alot of people call me RJ or Robbert.
Uhm, I'm 16 years old (soon to be 17) and just did my exams on school, so right now I got like 3 months of summer vacation. Tongue
After that I'm hoping to do a study called "Communcation and Multimediadesign", I live in Holland and English is my 2nd language so don't judge too hard if my grammar isn't 100% correct! xD
Anyways what I've seen from this community without even having to login first makes me excited, I hope I'll get the chance to see you guys in-game, and until then Hello there!! O_o

RE: Hi there. - MainDigger - 06-04-2011

I just looked trough the art you posted on this forum, and i must say, i am impressed.
Though i do not know this stuff very well at least i think they look good.
Keep em' coming! EWBTE

Oh, and Welcome to Kiwike Smiley

RE: Hi there. - Cell - 06-05-2011

Welcome to Kiwike

RE: Hi there. - Cerce - 06-05-2011

Sweet, a new guy! One that's active on teh forums!

Nice to meet ya. Hope to see you in game!

RE: Hi there. - Cell - 06-05-2011

(06-05-2011, 00:58)Cerce Wrote: Sweet, a new guy! One that's active on teh forums!

Heck Yeah. One that may be active forum wise, Another great benefit to the server. :D

RE: Hi there. - jyanowitz - 06-07-2011

talk to me in game if you dont want RP but want a protected area to build in for low-cost.
ign: jyanowitz
Town Mayor: Pompei

RE: Hi there. - Cell - 06-07-2011

Way to advertise in an introduction forum :/. Didn't see me or Cerce do that even though we are in need of members. Just thought i would put that out.