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Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
08-18-2011, 13:48,
Post: #11
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
Alright then, right clicking the sign checks the ID.

But your idea is probably easier to do anyways.

I wish I was an insane space wizard.

sethd13 Wrote:i like misquoting people

Spammuf Wrote:I have a severe craving for gold.
08-18-2011, 14:48,
Post: #12
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
Right clicking will buy from the shop, you derp. I'm already working on my idea and it will be implemented in KiwiShips 1.2

Thanks to asdf for letting me use his account for testing. Appreciate it.

08-18-2011, 14:51,
Post: #13
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
Derp. I thought you said left clicking buys.

Does it show I never use shops?

I wish I was an insane space wizard.

sethd13 Wrote:i like misquoting people

Spammuf Wrote:I have a severe craving for gold.
08-18-2011, 18:01,
Post: #14
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
Lol, thank you for testing on me :3 Maybe mine will be the first to be done <3

08-18-2011, 18:51,
Post: #15
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
Seems like I overthinked the KiwiShip part. Simply check if the name on the sign is 15 characters long. If it is, then see if your name starts with this string. If it does, you will get access.

The chest shop part isn't very complicated at all, either.

Anyway, it has been added into KiwiShips 1.2. Everyone are happy.

08-19-2011, 03:43,
Post: #16
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
Yay Laugh thanks. Now I can actually make a shop without having to call a mod 15 minutes later to take it down.
08-27-2011, 06:06,
Post: #17
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
So will this be happening any time soon for shops? Or is it already implemented? I don't want to test it out myself just to find that pesky shop glitch again that requires you to come and kill the shop for me.
08-27-2011, 07:34,
Post: #18
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
If Kiwiships 1.2 is out, then yes, it's been implemented.

08-27-2011, 12:28,
Post: #19
RE: Plugin Suggestion- A Sign Tweak
KiwiShips 1.2 is coming ASAP. Progress has been slowed down because of unexpected Bukkit and Spout problems.


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