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*Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
04-20-2011, 04:22,
Post: #11
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
After seeing the advertisement in Mavenholm, Petender starts writing an application for The Roadbuilders.

Dear Kubrick of the Road,

I am Petender from the Wilds, a simple nomad living far from the lands of the big nations. Although I am save here, I seek for a simple fellowship, that doesn't fight for economical or political strength.

In the library of Mavenholm I found notes about the Roadbuilders. Immediately I knew that I would fit perfectly into this society, but I couldn't find anything from you until today, when I saw your advertisement in Mavenholm.

I see myself as an excellent member of the Roadbuilders, because I am a neutral nomad, that was never a member of a town. Moreover I am a trustworthy and very ambitious person that will work his way up until I achieved all titles and degrees.

Petender of the Wilds

04-20-2011, 22:34,
Post: #12
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
While setting about the daily chores around New Haven, Kubrick receives a simple letter delivered from Mavenholm.


As the ranking member of The Order of the Roadbuilders, I would like to invite you to New Haven. There is a process to becoming a Roadbuilder and we would like very much to have you as an initiate of the Order. The first task is getting you to New Haven. Prepare your things and a pigeon will contact you shortly.

Master_stone Cutter

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-22-2011, 19:55,
Post: #13
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
Kyga walked through the rain-drenched alleys of Mavenholm towards the inn gripping his walking staff tightly. As Kyga entered the inn he overheard two men talking about some organizationby the name of "Roadbuilders".Being the curious man Kyga is he walked to the library.
Soon after entering Kyga found a book detailing the history and ceramonies of the Roadbuilders. Determined to join this brotherhood of amazing nomads Kyga picked up his quil and begain writing a letter to Kubrick a Roadbuilder mentioned in the book.
*The Note Reads*
"Dear Kubrick of the Roadbuilders
I , Kyga am intrigued by roadbuilders and would like to join the ranks of this brotherhood. I am prepared to endure any task and help the brotherhood In anyway possible. I used to be a town guard of a town long long ago until raiders destroyed the town and slaughted all that lived there , I am the only survivor I know of , So I am experienced In the art of combat should it ever become nessecary to battle.
P.S please feed the pup carrying this letter he has travelled far and deserves to be rewarded"
04-22-2011, 23:21,
Post: #14
RE: *Classified Ad Posted in Mavenholm*
While Trooper was showing Kubrick, the latest improvements to his Ripway Defense System (R.D.S) 2000. A message hound crested over the hill of the Dead Field Flats.

"The flats, used for the more dangerous of Roadbuilder designs are no place for a message hound." Kubrick thought to himself as Trooper when on about a Thinga-ma-bob.

"...Excuse me Trooper. The design is fantastic. We will move forward with implementation. Perhaps even offer it in our Bank Vault Package. Looks as though we have a message." The older Roadbuilder said in one breath to the Initiate.

After reading the letter, Kubrick laughed to himself.

"Kyga. Why is that name so familiar to me. My memory is not what it was in the Old Lands" Kubrick said to the message hound, whilst scratching his head.

Kubrick returned to his bunk and penned a response.


Curiosity is often the first step of many on the Long Road. Wanderlust often brings new brothers to the fold. We invite you openly to New Haven so that you may see if the life of a Roadbuilder is for you.

In the most desperate of times, one must defend oneself. You will find nothing but peace in your labors here. I will send a pigeon to you shortly with directions for your long journey.

I suggest you purchase a boat, or ferry passage. Collect you most precious of possessions, for New Haven is a great great distance from Mavenholm.

Kubrick of the Road

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-

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