More plugins. Just a suggestion
I just want to know this: do you want a plugin on were you somehow get cobwebs and fire obtainable?
Type down below (yes) (no)
Up to yotta if wants to ad this.
Also another suggestion is you could get fire from killing super charged creepers. And cobwebs from killing.... Ummm. . . . . . . Hmmm dunno think of something. One more thing I don't know how to make a poll so I made this post instead.
<EDIT> also for those of you who don't know what a SUPERCHARGED CREEPER is its a creeper shocked by lightning they are 2x as much more explosive than a normal creeper, and they look badass. Notch added them in the 1.5 weather update. Note: there also REALLY HARD TO FIND AND GET. More rare than a spider jockey.