Hello There, Guest!
Now Open: Mavenholm to Halford to Bludwick Road!
04-12-2011, 22:41, (This post was last modified: 04-12-2011, 22:50 by Kubrickb.)
Post: #1
Now Open: Mavenholm to Halford to Bludwick Road!
The Roadbuilders (i.e Me), have finished the main path from Mavenholm to BLudwick. You can now travel between the 2 cities in less than half a day. There is still much to be done to complete the highway. I plan on making all bridge safer and better looking. I will be expanding the road by 2, eventually. My plan is to one day have tracks following the same paths.

Untill I find other Roadbuilders it's completion will have to wait. I will be visiting with other Nations to commission work soon.

Please enjoy the road and do what you can to maintain it. I will be travelling the roads once a week to repair any damage.

Please DO NOT GRIEF the Road. I am building them so we can all enjoy the server, faster travel=more fun for everyone. If you have to grief, repair. If a creeper meets you on the road, try and pull him away.

Thanks and see you all on the Road.

Remember that In-game my character can only hear local chat (/ch l), be sure to say Hi. I always RP in-game....ALWAYS so I might be able to help you on your quest or give you some valuable information. Think of me as a mobile NPC!
PS. I would like to thank the citizens of Bludwick and Smurfson for all the Cobble needed to complete the venture

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-13-2011, 05:26,
Post: #2
RE: Now Open: Mavenholm to Halford to Bludwick Road!
Great to hear! I would love to help complete the roads.

04-13-2011, 10:07,
Post: #3
RE: Now Open: Mavenholm to Halford to Bludwick Road!
Great! It was finished in no time at all. Wonderful work.

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