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Wall of Text: War Proposal (posted in Admin)
04-17-2011, 23:53, (This post was last modified: 04-17-2011, 23:54 by Kubrickb.)
Post: #1
Wall of Text: War Proposal (posted in Admin)
Kiwike War: Battlefields, Raids, City Seige
A proposal

Wars are not won in a day. Wars play out over weeks and years, in skirmishes, battles, raids, politics and conspiracy. There is no reason, as a Roleplaying server that we should not have such History changing moments in Kiwike. The following is my submitted proposal on an extensive system for defining the future of warfare on this server. (my hopes are that this system will also help encourage RP, as well as please the majority of the server.)


Nation: A collection of lands, populated by at least (number)of citizens, with an established Capital city and sovereignty over area's that include settlements and territories.

(A very simple map of the realm will be needed. We will divide the map up into smaller land holdings. Each Nation, depending on their location and the location of their cities will be color coated. A nation can only hold as much territory as it has citizens to live on said land)

War: When 2 or more nations have a dispute that cannot be settled through diplomacy, and the only recourse is armed conflict in order to settle the dispute. War will last until the dispute is settled whether through diplomatic talks, surrender, or treaty, or lose. (Dispute may be over land, assassination, trade, this can all be a great source for RP)
Terms of War: The number of Battles the Warring Nations agree to fight. May only be 1/3/5. (best 2 out of 3. 3 out of 5)
City Vault: A highly defended room, containing the wealth of a Nation. It will be used in the city siege phase of a war.
Declaration of War
At the time that two nations see that the only solution to a dispute is to War. A Declaration of War must be made. The Nation's leaders that wishes to initiate the conflict will post their Declaration (Challenge) in the RP forums [link to an example].

I viable IC/RP reason must be made in the post.

Example: Vikings have raided Bulwark for 3 straight nights and killed several citizens. Helvanthar's leaders see no other option but to Declare War and crush the vikings.

The nation declaring must set the terms.

The intiating Nation must also create a sign in their capital city (in-game) message board, as well as post in thier nations private forums. So the citizens are aware that war is coming.

The challenged Nations leaders may or may not accept the challenge.

Accepting the Terms of War

When the challenged nation wishes to accept the War. The declaration is replied to IC/RP confirming that blood will be spilt. The challenged Nation will post in their city message board and private forum that they are now at war.

Refusing Terms of War
If the nation wishes to refuse the challenge, A reply to the declaration must be made stating a refusal as well as why the challenge is being refused.

Using the Above example:
The Vikings knowing that they are greatly outnumbered refuse the declaration. To save face they post (IC/RP) that the "Murders acting on their own, were not sent by the king. If Bludwick wishes they will send the murders to stand trial or kill them for their mis-deeds."

Nations at War
After war has been declared and accepted. The 2 or more (see Allies) nations are now at war and the Rules of War now apply.

A neutral Moderator, that is not directly aligned to either waring nations will Lock the Forum post and link to the rules of war. A Thread will be created in Server Discussion with the title of the War.

Official War Thread: *The Bludwick/Evyind War*

The Moderator will than issue coordinates to the neutral Battlefield. Where the first "Official Battles" will take place.

Rules of War

War's will be divided up into several phases of conflict. Each phase of the conflict may have their own specific rules. The following rules apply to all phases of Warfare.

Killing during Wartime:
We don't have guild Tags or Nation Tags floating above our heads, so knowing who you are at war with is a bit of a task. All citizens of a nation can be attacked at any time, while the nations are at war.

If you are unaware of what nation someone is in, it is your responsibility to find this information out in a legitimate way. This should be done in an RP manner. If it is well and widely known that the Character is a member of the opposing Nation, than no discussion need be had.

Be careful if you are at war. being in your city or on the road can be dangerous!

If you do make the mistake of killing an innocent, you may have a bounty on your head or you may have just pulled another nation into the war for the other side.

Griefing during Wartime:
Each Phase of War will try and define what can and cannot be destroyed. Greifing is a very fine line. In wartime this is especially true.

You may not directly and intentionally destroy other peoples work unless it is justified by the Phase of the conflict. Standard server rules apply to all Phases of war unless noted otherwise.

Phases of a War:

Raids are an essential part of any War. Disrupting supply lines, spreading fear, and testing defenses is important, but not at the expense of the hard work of the nations. For this reason, Raids are limited to Killing and Looting. No destruction of property is permitted, outside of normal Server rules.

It is up to the Nation being raided to have secure doors and protection.

Example: Vikings send a small raiding party to Bludwick. A farmer is tending his fields outside of the city walls. He sees the bandits. Calls "ALARM!" just before he is killed. Others outside the city run into the city and lock themselves behind steel doors. The vikings may enter any building that is not locked, but cannot destroy blocks to get to the people. The people must muster a defense or hide. Outside the city where homes aren't officially protected they may enter houses through wooden doors and windows. It is up to the ones being attacked to push out the raiders.

Raids may happen at any time during War. City protection is always on until otherwise stated.

Raids are not limited to Capital Cities.

Using the Territory's Map the neutral Moderator will set the location of the battlefield.*

A marker will be placed [Link to Marker-Pole with colored cloth] on oppisite sides of the battlefield. Each Nation will set up it's Base-Camp in that location. (or we go ahead and establish the base camps before hand) (set rules on camps..ie the camp may only be made from wood/wool, stand 4 blocks high, set dimensions to fit whatever we can secure.)

Each camp must have an area designated "Infirmary". This will be the Spawn for anyone that wishes to fight on the battlefield and spawn close to the action.

Battlefields will be open 24/7 for skirmishes, but the Base-Camps and Infirmary will be protected until the "Official Battle".

*(Depending on the Reason for war the Battlefield may be located in any number of locations. If it is a land dispute something close to the land in question. If it is a resource dispute, somewhere that has a relation to that resource. It is something that we can agree on in Admin board that makes the most RP sense.)

Official Battles:
Using the Official Thread the players involved in the war can discuss when the official battle will take place. When both Nation leaders come to a conclusion. The time and date will be set. (If this is not done with-in (number of days), a neutral mod will set the time/date)

During the Official Battle all area's are un-protected. (This is where stratagy and tactics come into play. How many do you leave to defend the spawn point. How much reserve armor have you brought. Are traps laid. ect) The winner of the battle/battles is the nation with the last man standing after the apposing teams Base-camp is destroyed.

The area on the territory map will be lightly shaded to the color of the winning Nation. To immortalize the victory! (more on this later).

Right of the Victor
After a winner of the Battles has been determined. That victor now has won the right to advance on the opposing nations capital, for a City Siege!

City Siege:
The defending Nation involved in the war will construct a Vault. (we agree on the size and material. Obsidian walls and a gold block in the center. The city that is defending can add whatever they want to make it more defensible, but it must maintain certain demensions)
The vault can be connected directly to any part of the city outside the server granted protection.

The objective of the attacking Army is to penetrate the defenses and secure the wealth of the Nation. (the gold Block). The attacking Nation has 2 hours to crack the vault and "Take the city".

If they are unable to do so, with-in the alloted time. The Vault is emptied. The nation that defends the Vault successfully, can either choose to end the war or set a new Terms of War.

*Winning the War*
The first Nation that takes the 'City Vault' is declared the winner of the war. The winner keeps the gold block as well as the right to "claim" the Battlefields as new Territory. The Territory will be colored in that nations color and will be known as part of that nation untill it is taken from them in War.

If a nation after successfully defending their city vault decides to end the war. It is called a Draw. The nation keeps the gold block. The contested lands from the battlefield remain lightly shaded, but the Land is not awarded to anyone. The battlefield may be reused.


I am sure we can come up with some fixes to things if the plug-ins can't do what I am hoping.

-Master Stone Cutter-
-The Roadbuilders-
04-18-2011, 03:41,
Post: #2
RE: Wall of Text: War Proposal (posted in Admin)
I think this is a great idea however a little complicated.
If this catches on it will be a great solution to raids and warring.

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