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Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
02-25-2013, 23:33, (This post was last modified: 02-25-2013, 23:33 by theonedoctor.)
Post: #1
Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
Ok i am in an argument over what is a better way to play fast pased Fps like COD and Halo 4. I think that a controller is just better for it on average, but my friend who is so biased and never played on a console believes that a key board and a mouse will BEAT a controller EVERY TIME. So now he challenged me to a competition where we set up a controller on the computer and he plays with a keyboard and mouse. here is the thing though... He picked a game that he has obviously played since he talked about it for a while and now he is pretending that he has never played it. So here is what i am saying I am stuck in an unfair competition and i just wanted to get your guy's opinion about this. Like if you agree with me about how a controller is better or if you disagree or even if you know of another FPS that is not to common and we balanced. Also we cant do COD because he never played it and claims it is a terrible game, or BF3 because of some stupid reason. Alright well lets see what you guys think about all of this. Please pardon my grammer
oh and the game is Counter strike something
02-25-2013, 23:58, (This post was last modified: 02-26-2013, 00:00 by bvcxzmn.)
Post: #2
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller

You both play with a controller and record the results. Then you both play with keyboard and mouse and record the results. Then one of you play with keyboard and mouse and the other with a controller and record the results. Finally, you switch so the other person is using a controler. Then you will have an accurate representation of which is better.

In my opinion, they both have their advantages, but the keyboard and mouse is more customizable and cooler. Smiley


02-26-2013, 00:15,
Post: #3
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
Personal preference is a thing. Keyboard and mouse is usually preferred for FPS' though, since you get faster response. I don't play a lot of console games but afaik it's usually easier to, for example, turn around quickly and then aim carefully with a mouse than a controller. If you're used to playing with a mouse, it gives you much better control of your sight overall. IMO.

02-26-2013, 02:11,
Post: #4
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
Yeah, the PC is generally known for having far more precise controls, as the mouse allows you to literally just pan over the target, whereas you have to push your view on consoles. That's why a lot of games aren't cross-platform; PC gamers would destroy console gamers just because of the controls used.

02-26-2013, 03:11,
Post: #5
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
Azn I agree with all that has been said, console requires constant pushing to aim at something. In PC it is easier to get where you need to go as it is less guesswork as to how long it will take to get from point a to point b on the screen.

TLGrinR Asdf is a feg.

(08-21-2012, 03:16)Cerce Wrote: Molesting children is just a bonus.
02-26-2013, 04:32,
Post: #6
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
I would beg to differ. I had a good amount of years of experience on the console before I came to PC, and I would say that it's all based on what you're used to. The mouse may give you greater flexibility and freedom while aiming, but the controller can be just as precise. Speaking from experience, my greatest match in BFBC2 was on the PS3 while sniping with the SV98. I got 25 kills in one life, 24 of them were headshots and I never missed a single shot. That was the round that I unlocked the M95 (ah, fun times). Point being, a mouse does not necessarily give you greater accuracy in an FPS. However, for the record, I do prefer mouse and keyboard.


02-26-2013, 09:42,
Post: #7
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
Sure you can get pretty good aiming on a controller, but then you sit there sniping and you hear someone sneaking up behind you. I think it'd be faster to react and turn around on a PC than fiddling with a controller.

02-27-2013, 00:28, (This post was last modified: 02-27-2013, 00:29 by MainDigger.)
Post: #8
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
First Person Shooters = Keyboard and mouse.
3rd Person Shooters = Gamepad

I've played FPS on consoles since the original Xbox. I didn't play much computer until like 3 years ago. But just like after a few months PC gaming I became more accurate than I ever was on the gamepad. But it really depends on how you want to play. Whenever I feel like just sitting down and having fun I play with my 360 controller and plug my computer to my TV.
And when I feel like being a bit more serious I play with M and K. But if you both are equal in skill and he uses a mouse, I think your friend is going to win.

Also, the reason that you feel like gamepads are more accurate is probably because most console FPS have aim assist.

(02-26-2013, 09:42)yottabyte Wrote: Sure you can get pretty good aiming on a controller, but then you sit there sniping and you hear someone sneaking up behind you. I think it'd be faster to react and turn around on a PC than fiddling with a controller.

There's not a lot of fiddling involved in that situation.

You literally just push your analog stick to the left or right.

RIP Virus Signature
02-27-2013, 06:19, (This post was last modified: 02-27-2013, 06:19 by geckosquid.)
Post: #9
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
I find that my wrist is more reliable and accurate than my thumb.
Wrist/all five fingers.

02-27-2013, 09:29,
Post: #10
RE: Key Board vs. Xbox/ PS controller
(02-27-2013, 06:19)geckosquid Wrote: I find that my wrist is more reliable and accurate than my thumb.
Wrist/all five fingers.


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