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Idea for 3.0 battle map
07-18-2011, 03:23,
Post: #1
Idea for 3.0 battle map
So I'm sitting in a nice restraunt by the ocean, waiting for my food and I decided to check the forums on my iPhone. Thinking about the server and about Geckos ideas for his town (possible capital for New Tullius?). He talked about 3.0 and the possibilities. I started thinking about how some people were talking about having a side map you could enter certain times of the day for war. I thought of a idea that incuded the server as a whole about the map. I have two ideas, just throwing em out there for when ever it is we do get 3.0 wether it's after the 1.8 updates or for the games release. 1. For say 2 hours on a set day the map for the battle world gets reset. For those first 2 hours anyone can go in and build a fort for their team, obviously this wouldn't work well if it was a free for all type war, but if there were set teams people could work to build them. This whole time they can spawn only a few items, such as cobble, dirt, and stone picks. This way people feel more involved in the war, knowing the place is theirs. 2. People simply go in and build their forts all real. Of course this cuts down time for battle, and possible disadvantages if one teams majority of people don't get on to help. 3. (ok one more :3) yotta and mods build a preset world with two even forts and outposts, ext. So post your ideas! I realize 3.0 probably won't be for a while but that doesn't stop us from sharing our opinions on what we would like! Lets see some more creative ideas. I know mine are pretty simple, but my foods almost here so bai!

07-18-2011, 03:33,
Post: #2
RE: Idea for 3.0 battle map
I'm pretty sure yotta said he was working on a war mod

[Image: attachment.php?aid=52]
07-18-2011, 17:07,
Post: #3
RE: Idea for 3.0 battle map
I know... We cant help give ideas?

07-18-2011, 17:09,
Post: #4
RE: Idea for 3.0 battle map
I'm sure you can but I don't think he is going to take it into consideration seeing as how he is already making it himself.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=52]

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