So I was gone for 2 days and my brother always being a troll, said he was gunna get rid of all my stuff cause he wanted to. I know right total douch. Anyway just a heads up to all mods if I EVER SAY IM LEAVING THE SERVER, I WANT YOU TO TEMP BAN ME AND WAIT TILL I GET BACK TO SAY THIS PASSWORD SO YOU KNOW IT'S ME AND NOT SOME IMPOSTOR: lolcoster duster plug: that is the password so you know it's me.
Wait i thought the you who didn't want to lose the stuff was your brother. I'm confused. And i thought the one who did want to get temp banned was the one who wanted to lose the stuff. I am confused.
Nope my brothar doesn't use the forums (any more I changed my password) so that's how u know it's me. Me as in the crazy one u all know that went to the psychiatrist. That one