So, I was reading reddit and I found out you can change the background of the minecraft title screen!

Here's a tutorial:
1. Open your .minecraft folder. If you don't know how, go to run (Windows button + R if you're on a PC) and type in %appdata% then press enter.
2. Open the bin folder.
3. Open the minecraft.jar file with winzip, win7 or whatever you use.
4. Open the folder 'title'
5. This is where the mojang logo (loading screen), the minecraft logo (you know? The word minecraft with the creeper A?), the splashes (100% pure!, May contain nuts!, Better than Prey!) and a black png file is. None of these are relevant.
6. There is also a folder called 'bg'. Open it.
7. Here are 6 png files, panorama0, panorama1, panorama2, etc are. The blurred out video behind Mutliplayer, Singleplayer etc in the title screen, is in fact not a video. It's 6 screenshots (the one in the 'bg' folder) with a motion tween to give the effect of a camera turning around in 3D space.
8. To edit this, simply get 6 pictures, (of anything at all! (Only really looks good if it's 6 pictures of a up, down, left, right, forwards and backwards though) They can be Minecraft, or the real life game, or Team Fortress 2, or Skyrim (Gibus for Skyrim, anyone?)
9. Put those 6 pictures you just took (Right?) in a folder, name them panorama0 to panorama5.
WARNING: 0, 1, 2 and 3 must be left, right, forwards and backwards, the order doesn't matter, panorama4 must be top, panorama5 must be bottom.
10. Put your 6 pictures in minecraft.jar/title/bg.
11. Load up minecraft
12. Done!

EDIT: IS 1.8