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The Kiwike Games!
04-11-2011, 05:24, (This post was last modified: 04-23-2011, 13:48 by geckosquid.)
Post: #1
The Kiwike Games!
Want to participate in the deadliest tournaments ever put on? Of course you do! Once a month, The Kiwike Games will pit 6 players against each other in 9 life-threatening challenges that would make grown men wet their pants. Race through an obstacle course rigged with sinister traps, go on a frantic scavenger hunt where you can kill other contestants on sight, make your way through mazes that will threaten your sanity, play an epic 6-man game of Spleef with lava waiting below, engage in brutal hand-to-hand combat, be a contestant in a trivia game where the penalty for a wrong answer is an arrow in your back, go on a mad dash to bring a flag back to your base before being slaughtered for it, wage free for all bow and arrow wars in significant locations all over Kiwike, and struggle to survive on a desert island while completing goals before other contestants. The prizes? Riches. Serverwide renown. A shiny gold block trophy with your name on it that will be placed wherever you want it. If you're interested in either being one of the six brave contestants or a sponsor for the games, or even a spectator of these epic games of epicly epic epicness, then read on!

Obstacle Course: Perilous jumps over pits of lava, running to get to the door fast enough after flicking a timed switch, navigating minefields with pressure pads and TNT, etc.

Maze: Pretty self-explanatory. It would be designed to mess with the contestant's mind. So far, a glass area and a lava area are planned.

Scavenger Hunt: Players will begin in front of their own hallway with 6 iron doors keeping them from getting through, one after another. They will each be armed with a stone sword. Scattered throughout the server will be 6 chests, each of them with 6 levers in them. It will be each of the contestants' goal to retrieve one lever from each chest, which they will use to open the iron doors. at the beginning, each player will be given a hint that sends them each to a different chest. At each chest will be a sign with another hint telling the contestant where to find the next chest. To keep the game fun, these hints will be rather revealing.

Contestants CAN:
- Kill other players, setting them back and/or stealing their levers
- Place the levers next to each of the iron doors
- Ask the audience for help ONCE if they are stuck on a hint
- Take levers from a chest even if they find it on accident

Contestants CAN'T:

- Place blocks
- Destroy blocks
- Repeatedly change the render distance to see through walls
- Use any kind of hack (duh)
- Destroy another contestant's placed levers
- Go down another player's hallway
- Talk unless they are asking help from the audience (that includes private messaging)
- Follow another player at the beginning; everyone's chests WILL be different directions, so if you're following someone else, then you're doing it wrong
- Make your own lever

To prevent cheating, we will position a person at each chest (crouched so their names can't be seen) to make sure everybody visits every chest.

Spleef: An epic 6-man, 7-round free for all showdown on a 20X20 court. Each player will be provided with an iron shovel and will choose their starting position (they must be at least 8 blocks away from the other contestants). At the end of each round, the last man standing will be given a point. Did I mention there will be lava below instead of water? 

Arena fights: Players will fight all of the other contestants, so there will be a total of 15 rounds. Each fight will be 1 on 1, with the contestants starting at opposite ends of the arena. They will be armed with nothing but their fists, because real men use what they were born with. That's totally not what she said... Anyways, the victor of each 1 on 1 fistfight to the death will receive a point. If there is a tie, then there will be a final round to settle it. 

Trivia: Simple, right? Wrong! The Kiwike Games are designed to be as brutal and deadly as possible, and Trivia's no different. I (the host) will stand in front of 6 switches, each connected to an arrow dispenser behind each of the contestants. If a player answers incorrectly, then I will reach for their switch. The questions will get increasingly difficult; the last living contestant wins! This should totally be a real game show...

Free for All CTF: This ain't your garden-variety ol' sissy kid's game of Capture the Flag. This is a high-stakes, intense bloodbath where yer life is on the line. Badass accent aside, this is how the game will work. The area of play will be some unknown forest somewhere. Each contestant will begin at a different area of the forest. Their goal will be to bring the piece of paper resting on top of a hill in the center of the starting points back to their chest at their starting point. Whenever a player scores, they will be rewarded a point. Then, the item will be placed back on top of the hill and a new round will start. The first player to 5 points wins! Each contestant will be given iron swords in their starting chest with which to steal the flag from other players.

Bow and Airrowsoft (C wut I did thar? Laugh):

Each contestant will begin next to their own box with bows, arrows, and a lot of paper.  At the beginning of the match, they will remove a bow and a bunch of arrows. When I say go, they will wage a free for all bow and arrow war through the streets of a city willing to host the match. The last man standing wins! There will be 7 rounds, taking place in multiple locations across Kiwike. The player who comes out on top in the most matches wins!

Island Survival: This is by far the most time-consuming game. In the spirit of The Yogscast, each player is placed on his own 10X10 island made of sand with no items and two trees. They are given a set of objectives that must be completed; whoever finishes them first wins! We will equally place minerals under each of the islands to avoid any unfair advantage in the way of mineral finding. The objectives are:

- Have 2 trees remaining after completing all the other goals

- Create a 5X5, two-floor house with an infinite water pool, 10 windows and a brick fireplace

- Write the letters "SOS" in smooth stone

UPDATE: Spectators can now bet on which contestant they think will win each competition! Guess right, and earn double the money you put in. Guess wrong, and you lose it all. A maximum of 10 gold can be bet per competition and a maximum of 15 can be bet for the overall winner. We will need sponsors to help provide the money for those who win the bets!
UPDATE 2: The Kiwike Games will mostly take place on the mountains overlooking Cencus. However, Capture the Flag will be in the forests surrounding it, and island survival will be in the ocean behind the mountains.

Well, that's it! If you want to sponsor/compete in/help build The Kiwike Games, comment below, or PM me.

04-11-2011, 15:56,
Post: #2
RE: The Kiwike Games!
Remember, I'm sponsoring the Kiwike Games if you sponsor (or at least help me set up/organize) the Cerantian Monthly Tournaments.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
04-11-2011, 23:47,
Post: #3
RE: The Kiwike Games!
Sounds awesome. I'll definitely want to watch this, or even help set up if need be.

IGN: Flemeister

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