Hello There, Guest!
Cerantiace cursed?
06-11-2011, 21:52, (This post was last modified: 06-11-2011, 23:36 by Unreal22.)
Post: #1
Cerantiace cursed?
It was the 11.6.2012. The sky was clear over Cerantiace.

At about 16:00 a cloud came by. Everything was normal before it started thundering.
We were outside and hid by a cobblestone generator. Then a thunder hit the generator, 2 people were killed and 1 survived. That was me.

[Image: 32827504.png]

Nothing unusual you say to yourself now.
You are right. Some idiots were outside when it was thundering.

But it went on.
The storm was gone. They revived themself.
All normal and then!

Another storm!

A thunder hit the castle a few times, then some trees.
I went up on the roof for some better pictures.

[Image: 88648924.png]

[Image: 15425102.png]

While i was on the roof i got some good pic's.

[Image: 79227687.png]

[Image: 63238973.png]

Then the thunder took another victim. ( R.I.P. Yotta )

In 30 min there ware 2 more storms.

From then I pray to the God of Thunder and Lighting.
For it he has spared my life.

06-11-2011, 22:05,
Post: #2
RE: Cerantiace cursed?
WOW... That must have been epic. A shame I wasn't there.

"One can concentrate so closely on the words of a sentence that one thereby misses the meaning. As can happen in any area of life. You must never lose focus on the larger landscape."
06-11-2011, 22:47,
Post: #3
RE: Cerantiace cursed?
I was one of the victims

Lost all of my diamond tools, and someone stole my entire diamond supply earlier.


06-11-2011, 23:15,
Post: #4
RE: Cerantiace cursed?
... Yotta.... Sad
06-12-2011, 05:25,
Post: #5
RE: Cerantiace cursed?

06-12-2011, 06:37,
Post: #6
RE: Cerantiace cursed?
I'm sorry to hear that Yotta, especially on an occasion such as this. Tragic that we got struck by lightning this many times in an untimely manner XD

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