I hail from Jamtland!
My name's Stubb or Stubbkrossen.
Pretty long story behind the name, but I'll spare it for someother time.
Anyways, it came to my attention that I haven't properly introduced myself, and then I have been a member of Kiwike for a while, yet inactive... yes, I know *sigh* on me.
I played on Kiwike a while back, but I lost the passion for both minecraft and kiwike, since I thought that the server state(back then) was not for me, and that minecraft lacked a lot of possibilites. But since all these new updates I have gradually increased my interest into minecraft again. And I have no other games that allow me with this amount of creativity along with the RP possibilites. Sure, there is Wurm online. But no, I do not really want to put all that time in one game...
Anyways, back to me and information about this body(vacancy for soul).
I hail from the land of Jamtland which is currently under occupation of the kingdom of Sweden.
I am currently 20 years of age, male, thin but with muscles(that means they are mistaken for bones at first).
I have several good sides but only one bad, and one good thing is that I don't show that bad side. I never want people to experience that side.
I am a fan of Roleplaying, and freeform/creative/strategy(build stuff) games. So that makes Minecraft a pretty good choice for me.
Anyways, if you have a question for me or just want to talk just bring the word and I will reply it.
'til next time and may the forces of evil get confused on the way to your door!
I am insane 'cause I choose to be, not 'cause I got diagnosed.